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“The Sexiest Things to Do after Sex” DAVIS Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Cosmo recently released an article in their September issue entitled “The Sexiest Things To Do After Sex.” As most Cosmo articles go, the piece was a little redundant, a little obvious, and a lot steamy. Although their content sometimes sounds like a broken record (how many times can you re-write how to reach your climax?), the writers never fail to turn us on and have us beggin’ to jump in the sack with our lover a la mode.

So we took their somewhat informative article and put a twist on it; we tweaked their post-bedroom ideas to pertain to college students, and more specifically, Davis college students. Read below for Her Campus at UC Davis’ top choices to keep the pleasure levels high past the point of sexual satisfaction.
Take a shower: We know all to well that once October hits, Davis rain develops into an unstoppable monsoon: pouring buckets from the sky at all hours of the day, and more importantly for you, night as well. After working up quite the sweat, throw yourselves out onto your apartment’s -hopefully secluded- patio and continue the X-games under nature’s sexy showers. The combination of the water, cold sweat, and stimulated senses will make your romp so much sexier.
Turn on music and show him what he’s workin’ with: And by music, we mean Foster The People, Sublime, or Red Hot Chili Peppers please.  Keep it mellow –something you wouldn’t feel embarrassed if you were caught listening to in Davis public. Turn the volume up all the way on your iPhone, get up and sway your body to the music. Get your guy to do the same and you’ll keep both your heart rates up and ready for round 2. If you’re not one for dancing, play it more quietly in the background as you hold hands (a method scientifically proven to make your mate to feel closer to you!) and dirty talk…erhm, pardon me…chat till the sun rises.

Late Night: This Carrie Bradshaw is not ashamed to admit I work up quite the appetite during sex. So after indulging in goodies, I like to treat myself to other yummy treats…like the DC’s late night cookies. Trust me, your guy will be down. Or you can use your swipes to get some to-go, head back home, and feed eachother in the most sensual way possible. Those gooey chocolate chips make it easy to be sexy; lick the chocolate off your fingers and then take care of the left-overs on your guy’s fingers and wherever else the chocolate may have gone. This can be a pre-sex activity as well to get you in the mood. All is fair in sex and chocolate.
Go on a walk to the Arboretum or Central Park: If it’s not too late, walk hand-in-hand outdoors to cool off. Preferably wearing one of his button-up shirts tucked loosely into your shorts. Then find a secluded area and engage in a quick hook-up sesh to keep the spark going. And if it’s really not too late, head to the stacks in Shields library to do a quick review of what occurred just twenty minutes earlier behind your closed doors.
Next time you get in on with your Davis hottie, keep one of these post-sex treats in mind to make sure your night (morning/afternoon/evening –we like to indulge at all/any hour of the day) is exciting from start to way after you finish. Happy travels to pleasure town and back! HCXO, UCD’s Very Own Carrie Bradshaw

Rachael Brandt is your typical collegiette. Her free time, you'll find her roaming the CoHo, nourishing her hourly caffeine fix or rocking out at the campus rec center in Zumba class. Rachael has interned at Acosta/Salazar PR firm in Sacramento, CA --working with politicians and interest groups to aide their campaigns. She now spends her days working at the Events and Conferencing Center, in hopes of saving up for the many goodies she hopes to acquire while studying abroad next year. After cultivating an obsession for Her Campus, she opened the UC Davis branch, and now serves as campus correspondant.