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Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: 10 Ways Every Fall Foodie Can Spice Things Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

You anxiously mark your calendar for September 6th, 2016 – and no, it’s not the season premiere of Jane the Virgin, nor is it when Kylie Jenner’s new lip kit is finally available for pre-order. It’s something just as addicting: the anxiously-awaited release of Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte. That’s right, with fall weather just starting to kick in and the PSL hype in full swing, it’s finally acceptable to post that Snapchat of you holding your Starbucks and caption it “#sweaterweather.” Trust me, we’ve all been guilty.

But what if you didn’t need to wait as long to get your hands on some pumpkin spice, or to use that fallen leaf emoji? Well, it’s time you check out these 10 pumpkin spice flavored products that every pumpkin-obsessed fall foodie must try in Davis.

1. Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino (Available at: Target)

Skip out on those long lines at Starbucks and give this substitution a try. This bottled Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino offers a cold, grab-n-go alternative, while still giving you the satisfaction of giving into that Starbucks craving.

2. Trader Joe’s Cold Pressed Pumpkin Harvest Juice (Available at: Trader Joe’s)

Are you on week three of that juice cleanse fad as you feel yourself slowly starting to give in? Look no further and spice up your new diet with this cold press juice. With 10.5 ounces of pumpkin, it’s sure to help you take advantage of the pumpkin harvest season.

3. 365 Pumpkin Ice Cream (Available at: Whole Foods)

This pumpkin ice cream is perfect for people looking for a late night fix that Starbucks hours can’t accommodate and is a perfect complement for your rainy day movie night.

4. Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spice Almond Beverage (Available at: Trader Joe’s)

Whether you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply don’t like dairy products, you no longer have to pay that extra $0.60 at Starbucks to get a non-dairy alternative to the PSL.

5. Nestle Toll House Pumpkin Spice Cookies (Available at: Target)

If you’re a cookies-and-milk kind of person, it’s time you start getting the best of both worlds. Dip these pumpkin spice cookies in your PSL for a guilty midnight splurge or enjoy its crunch as a festive snack!

6. Pumpkin Spice Caramel Corn (Available at: Trader Joe’s)

Microwave popcorn? Been there, done that. It’s time to add a festive crunch to your fall movie nights. Without the hassle of having to wait by the microwave so your popcorn doesn’t burn, this pumpkin spice caramel corn provides for a nutty, yet sweet alternative that you can pop into your mouth rather than the microwave.

7. 365 Organic Pumpkin Spice Low-Fat Yogurt (Available at: Whole Foods)

8. Trader Joe’s Country Pumpkin Spice Granola (Available at: Trader Joe’s)

Complementing each other perfectly, the pumpkin spice yogurt with some pumpkin spice granola sprinkled on top allows for a healthier, yet more festive snack in the spirit of fall. Whether you make it fresh in the morning, or refrigerate it for a midday snack, this combo takes the guilty out of “guilty pleasure.”

9. General Mill’s Pumpkin Spice Cheerios (Available at: Target)

That’s right, Honey Nut Cheerios are no longer the only alternative to the scary world of plain cheerios. Available for a limited time, these flavored cheerios fill you with multi-grain oats while still encouraging you to start the morning in the fall spirit.

10. Lindt Lindor Pumpkin Spice Truffles (Available at: Target)

Saving the sweetest for last, these flavored truffles don’t fail to spice up the chocolate spectrum while still keeping it sweet with a temptingly-smooth chocolate filling and a hint of pumpkin spice.

Meera is currently a first-year economics major from Cupertino, CA. Passionate about family, friends, food, and fitness, she enjoys getting boba with friends & family, playing badminton with her twin sister, running, and of course, binge watching the occasional Netflix show. Meera is looking forward to exploring and writing about life at UC Davis as a freshman!
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