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Memory Jar: How to Remember the Good Times From Your Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Three years ago I gave up on trying to start journals. I always would diligently write in them for a week or so, then give up and forget about my New Year’s resolution to write a detailed account of my day-to-day life to keep and remember forever. After dozens of one-page written journals, I decided to make my journaling a little more simple, so at the beginning of the new year I made a memory jar with one simple task: to find at least one good moment or experience a day, write it on a Post-It, fold it up, and wait until December 31st to read them all. After my first year, I decided never to journal again.

The few sentence memories worked perfectly for me; I didn’t need to focus for long and writing it even at the end of a hard day reminded me that in everyday there was at least one small moment that made me smile. I think we all agree that 2016 was a brutal year for all, but after reading my small moments of happiness I realized it wasn’t all bad like I previously believed. It is so easy to remember the bad times, which is why my rule is to only let the good moments in the jar. The small, simple moments are so quickly forgotten and even the feelings and details of obviously great memories can be erased from our minds. Some of my Post-Its make no sense to present me and I’m cut out of my own inside joke. 

Other memories bring back the funniest experiences of the year before that I hadn’t remembered. The hour it takes me to go through all 365 snapshots of my year is an emotional one for sure. Some are focused on my happiness with people I no longer speak to, and it can be somewhat difficult to read about a seemingly perfect moment with someone I thought I would finish the year with, but it also reminds me to appreciate the small things about people (pro-tip: do not read these under the influence). 

Some remind me of how much I love the people in my life and how much a simple moment of my day affected my happiness. So if you’re like me and want the memories, but aren’t willing to put in the effort of journal writing, grab a jar and a pack of Post-Its and reflect on those moments that bring you a smile each day. 

None of the images used belong to Her Campus or the author.

Sasha is a 4th year at UC Davis majoring in American Studies and Communication with a minor in Chicano Studies. She also is on the Davis Club Water Polo team and in her spare time enjoys reading, tagging friends in memes, making friends that have dogs, and making Spotify playlists.
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