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A Love Letter to My Best Friend for Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t just mean celebrating and showing your love for your significant other. While we’re often taught that Valentine’s Day is only about romantic love, it’s much more than that! Whether or not you have a significant other, the true meaning of Valentine’s Day is reminding your loved ones how much they mean to you.

So, in honor of Valentine’s Day 2018, I’m letting my best friend know how much she means to me. We met during fall quarter at the dorms and have been inseparable since. Here are (just) a few reasons why I love her and why she’s the best friend in the world…

1. She’s the funniest person I know.

Her laugh is so contagious that it is guaranteed to make me laugh (and possibly snort), too.

2. She is aĀ fantasticĀ singer.

She truly is the Meredith to my Cristina and, hands down, we throw the best karaoke and dance parties in the world. We balance each other out: I applaud her knowledge of every single lyric to every single Taylor Swift song, while she acknowledges that I am entirely unable to ever get the lyrics right to any song.

3. She’s the best listener in the world.

She’s always there for me, in rain or shine, in good times and bad times. She also has an endless bank of good advice, which is always helpful.

4. She is the hands-down smoothie-making queen.

Her smoothies are legendary in our apartment and they’re known to not only always taste good, but make you feel good, too (however, her recipes are top-secret).

5. She is an exemplary woman.

College is truly one of the hardest times in anyone’s life and she has not only brought out the best parts of me, but she’s become the bravest, strongest, and kindest person I know, and I hope, one day, my future children can be as poised, strong, and kind as she is.

6. She’s my person.

Weā€™ve been best friends for almost four years now, and we will be best friends for the rest of our lives.

I could go on and on and on, but I’ll keep this short and sweet. This concludes my virtual Valentine’s Day card/appreciation post for the most fantastic and lovely girl in the world, so remember to tell your best friend how much you love and appreciate them too this Valentine’s Day!

Cover image source: Pexels, Ylanite Koppens

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