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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

My grandmother is an astonishing woman. At 91 years old, she walks a mile a day, keeps up with Game of Thrones, and can out-sass anyone in the family. She has taught me so many amazing lessons, and I want to honor and share her tidbits of advice for this year’s Mother’s Day.

Everything in moderation.

This oft-repeated phrase has proven itself over the years, since my grandmother is over ninety years old and in stellar physical health. She doesn’t forbid herself from drinking alcohol or eating some chocolate cake, and always reminds my mother, sister, and me to just eat the darn cookie.


Be yourself.

According to my mother, my nana has never really filtered her personality. She tells it like it is, and she isn’t afraid to put her foot down if she doesn’t like the way something is. We all love her for her unabashed honesty, and her example has taught me to never compromise my personality for anyone.

Wash your face before you go to bed.

Although it’s extremely tempting for me to sometimes skip washing my face when it’s ridiculously late, my nana’s voice always comes into my mind, telling me I’ll regret it in the morning if I sleep with makeup on. Every morning that I wake up with a clear face, I say a private little thank you to my nana for her advice.

Hang up on solicitors and walk away from people trying to use you.

While she’s relatively kind about hanging up on telemarketers, she just doesn’t spend her time with people who try to take advantage of her. And she has a point, I don’t need to waste my time with someone who’s just trying to use me for something.

It’s okay to cry.

My nana, who is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to arguments and crosswords, is also quite emotional. She has never been afraid to cry when telling a story from her past, and it’s always made me see that it is perfectly fine to get upset and cry when I need to.

Carry your “mad money” at all times.

Before I left for college, my nana gave me a $50 bill to keep in my wallet at all times. She told me it was my “mad” money, and I am only allowed to use it in order to get transportation away from an exceedingly bad date with a guy. I haven’t used it… yet. But it’s good to be prepared.

Never act dumb.

My nana consistently beat out my grandfather in various math and business courses when they attended UC Berkeley together, and he respected her all the more for it. She has never tried to conceal her intelligence, and she always reminds my sister and me to keep reading and stimulating our brains every day.

Love with all your heart.

My grandmother is an all-or-nothing kind of woman. She cares so deeply about the people in her life, and I have never once questioned the love she holds for her family. She has taught me to not just like something, but to wholly enjoy things and love the people around me. 

Even though we sometimes laugh at how often my nana says these bits of advice, I have cherished every one of them. My grandmother is a wise, amazing woman, and she has long been the primary role model in my life. Happy Mother’s Day, Nana, and thank you for all of the wonderful lessons.

Mariana graduated from University of California, Davis in 2018 with bachelor's degrees in English and linguistics. She currently works as an editor for a biotechnology company in Seattle, WA.
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