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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Getting ready every day at almost 9 a.m. can be a challenge in itself. When all of my classes start early in the morning, followed by work or discussion, or both, it’s hard to get ready in less than an hour every day. Since I come home pretty late in the evening most days, I can’t re-touch my makeup throughout the day. Because of this newfound struggle, I’ve tried finding new ways that can leave my makeup looking good all day long, and not just for those few minutes before I put my mask on to catch the bus and go to class. I have to keep my makeup looking decent throughout the day, especially because I wear a mask, which can smudge my makeup, too. With these two factors in mind, I have created a list of the tips I follow religiously that will guarantee that your makeup looks intact by the end of the day! 

  1. Use a setting spray in between your different layers of makeup, and not just the final step. This hack basically protects the different layers of makeup that you apply and not just the final one that can be rubbed off with just one layer of protection. This technique not only sets your face multiple times, but it also creates a smoother surface to work on as you apply the different products you use in your makeup routine. My favorite is the Elf Stay All Day Micro-Setting Spray. 
  2. Always wear a primer that best compliments your foundation. Although I’ve heard people say that your skincare routine is enough to have a good base, I’ve found that my makeup rubs off a few hours later when I’m not wearing a primer. A primer is meant to help your makeup stay all day long, in addition to complimenting your skincare. What I like to do is do my skincare routine first, then go in with two different primers that target specific areas, like oiliness or redness, that I want to improve my makeup, then I do my makeup. 
  3. The less foundation, the better! I find that when I have a heavier look, it is easier for it to rub off or for me to sweat it away. Although I have a very long makeup routine, I tend to not focus as much on foundation as my primary base. To me, the primary base is my skincare routine. Then, it’s primer, and finally, a tinted CC cream and concealer. Not only does it make my face feel lighter with less product, but it also allows my face to breathe. I have acne-prone skin, so to me, the less product, the better! 

I have struggled for years with learning how to make my makeup smudge-proof, especially these last few years with having to wear a mask. Particularly because I still wear a mask, I want to get ready, but have often felt discouraged because I feel like my makeup doesn’t last long enough for the time and effort that I’ve put into it. I want to be protected and protect others while still feeling good about myself, so these steps have really helped me to rekindle with the love I felt for makeup growing up.

Lizzie is currently a third year English and Psychology double major at University of California, Davis. Her interests include reading and writing romance novels, obsessing over period pieces (mostly Jane Austen), and trying to find all the easter eggs in Taylor Swift's music videos. After graduation, Lizzie is interested in pursuing her MA in Journalism.