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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

As the temperature very slowly begins to drop and leaves begin to turn warm tones, I find myself transitioning over to a whole new set of products to align with the “cozy girl” aesthetic of fall. The checklist of essential items in my mind may be totally unnecessary to others, but I find personal joy in welcoming a new season and getting into character to enjoy it. Autumn is my favorite season by a landslide for many different reasons, so if you need any persuasion that you should take a look at my fall essentials, just know that I may actually be the coziest girl ever during this time of the year.

  1. Moisturizer

Although it doesn’t happen until later in California, the air does eventually get crisp and cold. This can put stress on your skin, causing it to tighten and crack. Even if you have oily skin like I do, moisturizer is always necessary, even more so during the cold seasons. My go-to is the CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion. I use the P.M. one in both the morning and at night because it feels light on my skin and keeps it smooth throughout the day. 

  1. Oversized sweatshirt

There is something so comforting about being in an oversized hoodie that just makes me want to snuggle up on my bed and get to work, whether that be watching my biochemistry lecture or binge-watching a show. Some good elements I love in a hoodie are a slightly oversized fit, soft material, and an earth-tone color to really set the mood for the gloomy weather outside. There’s nothing better than having a long day of work but being comfortable through it all.

  1. Warm drinks & candles

Fall coincidentally aligns with the beginning of the school year, so it’s important to use this time to prepare for the autumn gloomies by romanticizing school and studying. The way I like to gain motivation is by adopting a dark academia mindset. Think Rory Gilmore meets Hermione Granger. Think dimly lit libraries, big windows with rain droplets dripping down, headphones on, dramatic classical music playing. There’s a large workspace comprised of your laptop, textbooks, highlighters, a warm drink of your preference, and the scent of a mahogany teakwood candle. I’m not saying that this will fix my academic burnout halfway through fall quarter, but it could bribe me to buy a coffee and drag myself to the nearest cafe.

  1. Playlists

For me, autumn music is comforting and nostalgic. I make sure to have at least two playlists for the season. One is my “walking to class” playlist. It’s comprised of songs that make you believe you’re in a life-changing chapter in a coming-of-age movie. Some songs included are  “Where’d All the Time Go” by Dr. Dog, “What Once Was” by Hers, and “Still Beating” by Mac Demarco. The second playlist on rotation is my study playlist. It is almost all instrumental and features slower music to try and calm my mind from thinking about everything else but the work I’m trying to do. Some songs on this playlist are “Ode to Vivian” by Patrick Watson, “The Hourglass” by Ben Crosland, and “Dawn Chorus” by Thom Yorke.

Even if you don’t like the cold, there are some ways to try and make this season the most enjoyable it can be. Also, the holiday season begins during autumn, and who doesn’t like the holidays?

Karina is a second year Biochemistry & Molecular Biology major at UCD. Although she is STEM based academically, she enjoys advocating the feminist movement, having conversations about the political climate, whilst trying to remind herself and others to enjoy the simplicity of life through it all. She is passionate about writing what's on her mind in hopes that others can relate and find a sense of community.