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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Ever since I was in elementary school, I have always listened to classical music while studying, doing homework, or reading. Usually listening to any other kind of music while I am focusing on a task constantly distracts me from my work, as I am too focused on listening to the lyrics or singer’s voice rather than the task I am working on. Classical music is my go-to solution for wanting to listen to music and staying focused on the task at hand. Here’s why. 

Studies have shown that classical music reduces stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. With music to help calm you down, especially when you are studying for a high-stakes exam or prepping for an important essay — it’s a tremendous game-changer. I always have a huge amount of test anxiety whenever I am studying for an exam or even quiz, and classical music has always made me feel calm, focused, and motivated. 

One study tip I have found incredibly helpful, especially if you are noise sensitive or don’t like to listen to music while you are in the flow of studying, is to listen to classical music as a form of a study-break. After studying for a certain amount of time, listen to one or two songs as a break. This not only forces you to take more breaks while studying, which also improves productivity and focus, but also times your break for you. At the end of each song, you can go back to studying and repeat when the time comes again. I recently started trying this after realizing that I wasn’t taking enough time away from studying, and it has been immensely helpful. It even motivates me to get more work done as I look forward to listening to the one or two songs during my break. 

Now, many of you may be wondering where to start with classical music playlists or recommendations. Well, I have got you covered. My absolute favorite classical music study playlist comes from Youtuber Christine Lee. She has compiled a playlist of songs from traditional classical pieces, movie soundtracks, and even orchestral covers of famous songs — such as covers of hits from Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift. 

Some of my favorite classical music playlists also come from Youtube, where tons of people have created niche and clever titles. This playlist, entitled “A Dark Academia Classical Study Playlist + Ancient Library Room Ambiance” never fails in making me feel like I’ve been transported to a magical ancient reality. Possibly one of my favorite titles ever comes from this playlist, which is titled “Playlist to Study Like a Medieval Philosopher Having the Truth Revealed by Divine Grace.” While these titles or playlist may seem silly, each one is made up of classical music pieces that are soothing and anxiety-reducing. There are even time stamps on the descriptions of each Youtube video with the names of each piece. 

Above all, classical music can be a helpful study tool or even study break tool for everyone. Even if you aren’t necessarily a person who has ever listened to music while studying, I encourage you to give it a try and see if it works for you. It may end up being one of the best tools for increasing focus and productivity and decreasing stress and anxiety, which is useful for every student. 

Catalina is currently a third-year English major at University of California, Davis. Her interests include watching Studio Ghibli movies, reading fantasy novels, listening to Broadway musicals, and cooking with her family. After graduation, Catalina would like to become a high school English teacher and share her love of storytelling with her future students. :)