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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Fall is upon us, and the possible date activities are endless during the upcoming month. Use this sweater weather to get some cuddling and exploring in with these nine date ideas!   

1. Carve pumpkins

Spend a Sunday morning picking out your pumpkins from a local patch, and design faces on them later that evening. Carving silly faces is sure to be a fun challenge that’ll keep you laughing all day. 

2. Go to corn maze

Lucky for us Aggies, The World Record Corn Maze is only 10 minutes away from us. Grab a few friends and split up in teams to see who can finish the maze first. 

3. Haunted houses

Haunted houses are a perfect way to get in some extra cuddling time with your S.O. Show your tough side by challenging them to go into all of the scariest houses. Check out the haunted parks nearby such as Scandia or Ultimate Terror.  

4. Go Halloween costume shopping

Mickey and Minnie. Superman and Wonder Woman. Ketchup and Mustard. The possibilities are endless!

5. Watch scary movies

Grab a blanket, some hot chocolate, and popcorn and snuggle up to watch some scary movies. Channels like ABC Family show a different horror film every night during the month of October. 

6. Find the best new fall drinks

Many coffee shops feature special fall drinks only available for a limited time. Check out a couple coffee shops downtown to find your favorite PSL. 

7. Host a Halloween party

Invite friends over and have them come in costume. Set out some easy games and finger snacks. 

8. Bake cake, pies, and cookies

Chocolate, pumpkin, and maple — oh my! Baking is a great way to spend time with your S.O. and have yummy treats to eat all season long. 

9. Go apple picking

Apple Hill is only an hour away and is the perfect destination for a romantic evening walking through apple trees. Be sure to try the cider, apple donuts and pies sold at the orchard!

Maria is a fourth year at University of California, Davis where she is double majoring in Economics and Comparative Literature. When she's not studying for her classes or writing up an article, you can find her playing soccer with her friends, working with the UCD School of Education or chowing down on some delicious Thai food with her roommates.
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