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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Women’s History Month means so much to this magazine, its message, and its writers. March is a month that we plan to celebrate inspiring women who have made incredible contributions. Whether it’s notable figures in history or women in our everyday lives, take this month to appreciate and celebrate all women and everything they have done for our society. Though this year doesn’t have the usual excitement of women’s marches, summits, and conferences, etc., there are still multiple ways you can celebrate this Women’s History Month from home.

black women smiling and hugging
Photo by Rodnae productions from Pexels

1. Read up on women’s history and current women’s issues

Note the breakthroughs that women have made, and appreciate the amount of progress they have made to bring women forward in society. Spend time reading up on some female figures that you may not have known of and understand the influence they may have had on your life. Such history lessons should also accompany research on current issues that are still challenging women. Look into women’s rights issues such as reproductive rights, rape, and sexual assault, etc.

2. Write a letter to a woman that inspires you

Women’s History Month encourages all to commemorate the significant role women have played in our history. But, it does not limit you from celebrating women of the present. I can say that I am fortunate enough to have so many strong, inspiring women in my life, and I want to take this month to share my gratitude for them. Take a day out of this month to write a letter to an Instagram influencer, politician, your mom, or whoever you find to be an inspiration to you.

3. Support women-owned businesses

With female entrepreneurs taking over and changing the world, try supporting one of the many female-owned businesses by buying some of their products or simply spreading the word about them! It’s a simple and easy way to uplift women and push them towards more success. I’ll definitely be buying a Huestick from Live Tinted this month!

Three women of color are sitting at a table; two are on one side and  one is on the other with a laptop in front of her. They are in a conference room.
Phoot by Christina from wocintechchat.com from Unsplash

4. Donate to charities supporting women

If you can, consider showing your support in a donation to a charity that supports women and women’s issues. Research charities that are contributing to causes that are important to you. There are plenty of charities and nonprofits that support women experiencing domestic abuse, planned parenthood, labor rights for women, research on breast cancer, and many other causes. As I am looking into donating, I plan to contribute to Step Up, an organization that helps younger girls in underprivileged communities advance their education and careers.

5. Mentor a woman or be mentored by one

Having a mentor who helps guide you through the obstacles and challenges that society presents is especially beneficial for women. Confiding in someone about issues ranging from unrealistic beauty standards to the pay gap is helpful and comforting. Providing this type of guidance to a young woman would be a great way to show your support. If you find yourself wanting some direction, seek out a mentor that can help you with your career, life goals, challenges, successes, and more!

Priya is a second year student at UC Davis majoring in Political Science and Sociology with the hopes of becoming a lawyer in the future. In her free time, she loves to dance, listen to podcasts, and craft gifts for her friends. She's excited to be a part of the HerCampus team and hopes you enjoy reading her articles!
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