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5 Easy Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

One of the best things about spring quarter in Davis, besides Picnic Day and Whole Earth Festival, is the annual weekend of drunken debauchery, otherwise known as houseboats.

For those who attend houseboats, this means three things: sunshine, booze, and bikinis. That being said, Her Campus has some easy ways for you to keep your bikini body without sweating away endlessly at the gym. Instead, we suggest finding a different way to feed your sweet tooth, one that will keep you happy and looking ready for when the cameras start flashing.

1) Frozen Yogurt, Please *without all the fixins’:
Some people say that Davis is the capital of biking, but I think most residents will agree that the capital of biking ties nicely with a title as the capital of frozen yogurt. Instead of buying the pint of Ben and Jerry’s or going to one-dollar scoop at Baskin Robins go for a plain frozen yogurt. As a Davis resident we have so many different places to get frozen yogurt and if you take away all the toppings you can prevent an extra weight gain! Yogurt is known to help regulate the digestive system and you can get your dose of calcium by indulging!

2) Dark Chocolate > Milk Chocolate:
Let’s face it, most of us love our chocolate, no matter the time of year it’s the perfect cure to a sweet tooth, a break up, a long day, a stressful night, and perhaps the secret to getting through life altogether. But the battle comes down to one of calories and we often weigh the cost benefit ratio. What you can do to still get your fix is try to eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. The antioxidants in the dark chocolate can help neutralize any sneaky things that threaten to damage cells, clog arteries or chronic diseases. Chocolates that are 60% or higher in cocoa are usually the best types of chocolate – they are also labeled sometimes as bitter sweet. So next time instead of grabbing the Reese’s from the bag, try an alternative.

3) Frozen Fruits:
We know that you get tired of eating apples and oranges and bananas on a regular basis – who wouldn’t? Instead, we have an obvious alternative: frozen fruit. My personal favorite are frozen banana pieces but frozen grapes and blueberries also do the trick. For a light, cold, healthy snack on a hot spring day try some frozen fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth!

4) Remember pudding?:
Remember the days when your mom used to pack your lunches and you would get pudding as a dessert? Well its time to become a kid again! This time though, we recommend going sugar free to save some calories. Pudding is a great alternative to custard and other fattening desserts, and the best part is that it comes in a variety of flavors! The next time you want ice cream or a snickers bar grab pudding instead!

5) Fruit snacks:
We all love a bag of gummy worms, no one more so than myself. Whenever I even hear the words watermelon sour patch kids, I start to drool, but then I remember the calories I would have to take in and the lonesome pound of sugar that rests at the bottom of the empty bag I consumed and I regret eating them. Alternatives to candy such as those would be fruit snacks. They’re chewy, flavorful and about a fourth of the calories! Even something like the Cliff kid organic twisted fruit snacks give you a sugary flavor and give you a full serving of fruit in one gluten free, yet extremely delicious fruit bar.

Jessica is currently studying Graphic Design and Psychology at UC Davis. She hopes to one day move to New York and work for a fashion or fitness magazine. When she is not dreaming about her life in New York, she is either running, watching shows on hulu, socializing or baking cupcakes. She loves anything that will make her laugh, sunny days  and everything purple!