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22 Things Psych Majors are Tired of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Psychology is one of the most popular majors here at UC Davis, but there’s still a lot of people who don’t understand it. Here are 22 things that psychology majors are sick and tired of hearing:

1. So do you want to be a therapist?

No, not all psychology majors become therapists.

2. Can you like, read my mind?

Yes, it’s saying “I don’t know anything about psychology”. 

3. Why do you think you know everyone?

4. You don’t even know me…

I wish I didn’t sometimes…

5. Psychology isn’t even a science.

 It’s a social science, but incorporates biology like any other science. We just focus on the brain.

6. It’s the easiest major; that’s why people choose it.

You really think trying to understand people’s thoughts and feelings is easy? 

7. Can you tell me what someone thinks about me?

You don’t want me to tell you. Jk! Just ask people if you really want to know.

8. I bet you’re always reading people, huh?

To be honest, I actually am.

9. You can’t get a job with a psychology degree unless you go to grad school.

How do you know that, and I don’t?! (Sarcasm)

10. Can you help me break-up with my boyfriend/girlfriend?

Uhm, no? 

 11. Do you even have homework in class? 

No, we write reports about random people we sit and observe. (Sarcasm, again.)

 12. Why do you even like psychology? 

I can literally sit here all day and tell you why I LOVE psychology.

13. Are you secretly a psychopath?

Yes. (Sarcasm, again!) 

14. Why do you guys electroshock people and cut their brains in half?

Yeah someone actually asked me this. I can’t even– ???

15. Why do you like studying crazy people?

This is actually my focus in psychology, because it’s awesome. Duh!

“Crazy” isn’t the best term for it though. We want to learn more about how the brain functions and malfunctions. So yes, we study everything.

16. How can you have a psychology degree with a biology emphasis?

How can you have an economics degree with a Spanish minor?

17. You have a psychology degree and you want to be a…

Lawyer, teacher, CSI, FBI, yeah it’s all fair game.

18. Oh I need to watch what I say to you then.


19. Can you give me advice on every aspect of my life?


20. So when you’re a therapist can I get free therapy? Kay thanks!

I love giving advice, but I can’t fix your life.

I just can’t bippity-boppity-do that.

21. So like, you don’t know anything about science or math, do you?

My major requires science and math courses.

22. You don’t even have it hard in college.

If you really love your major, it doesn’t seem like it. 

Despite it all, psychology majors love what they study. I would love to answer any questions you may have about psychology, but please, leave the jokes to Amy.

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