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15 Relatable Harry Styles GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

While Harry Styles may be globally known for his undeniable talent and curly hair, his mannerisms are nothing but relatable for any average college student. Here are 15 Harry moments that we’ve all experienced at one point or another:

1. Thinking you’re the funniest person in the world

2. Then telling bad jokes (that are so bad they’re actually funny?)

3. Sports.

4. When someone wants to play this game


5. Hanging out with that one friend who Snapchats everything

6. Having to wake up early for class

7. Hearing someone mention your favorite artist in public

8. When you’re a happy drunk

9. Not knowing the answer to the first question on an exam

10. Cracking jokes in tense situations

11. Discussing feminism

12. Sports, again.

13. Spotting your friend across the room

14. When your friend takes your photo


15. And, of course, when “What Makes You Beautiful” comes on the radio


Gretchen is a fourth year UC Davis student double majoring in political science and cinema & digital media. As an intersectional feminist, she finds interest in issues of social justice and equality. She also finds interest in dogs, Leonardo DiCaprio movies, and early 2000s music.
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