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Your Fall Bucket List and How to Complete It

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

The end of October for Southern California means that we’re just starting to leave summer behind and head into fall. With the last of the heat waves behind us (hopefully), it’s time to break out those sweaters that you only get to wear three months a year and stock up on pumpkin spice…well, everything. I hate letting a season go by without feeling like I made the most of it, especially my favorite season of all. So from pumpkin patches to Halloween, here’s the ultimate bucket list for fall at UCR.

  1. Visit a pumpkin patch (bonus: corn maze, tractor ride) 

I absolutely love visiting the pumpkin patch every year! It’s always been one of my favorite parts of fall. I have so many fond memories of going to the ones on the side of the freeways as a little kid. But now, I like to go to one of the best in Riverside county! And what is the best one in Riverside county? Live Oak Canyon! It’s 30 minutes from UCR so it’s a bit of a drive but it’s so worth it. Not only do they have a huge variety of pumpkins, but they have a corn maze (a real one, with corn above your head and actually pretty difficult to complete), tractor ride around a sunflower field, hot cocoa stands, and plenty of photo opportunities!

  1. Carve a pumpkin (bonus: roast pumpkin seeds)

Now that you’ve gone to the pumpkin patch and got yourself a pumpkin, nothing says Halloween like carving it. There’s tons of free stencils online, or go old-school and freehand it! The important thing is that you have fun and end up with something you love. And after you’ve cleaned out all those pumpkin seeds, you can clean them and roast them! Add a little salt and you have a low calorie, delicious fall snack!

  1. Go to a Halloween party

Speaking of Halloween, UCR does Halloween parties right. There’s tons of them being thrown in the neighborhoods around the school. Ask anyone and they’ll most likely be able to tell you one they’ve heard about, which are almost always open invite. Or get some friends together and throw one yourself! Everyone loves a costume party, and you can’t say you’ve properly celebrated Halloween without one!

  1. Go apple picking (bonus: drink apple cider, make an apple treat)

Fall weather brings apple season to Southern California! I’ve gone annually for years now and it never fails to get me in the fall mood. The best place for apple picking is Oak Glen, about an hour from UCR. My favorite place in particular is Riley’s Farm! The weekends can get really busy but there’s always a lot to do! Aside from the apple picking itself there’s often live music, barbeques, axe throwing, apple cider presses, and more. Make sure to pick up some freshly pressed apple cider on your way out, you won’t regret it! And now that you have a bunch of freshly picked apples, you’re all ready to make an apple dessert. From apple pies to just dipping them in caramel, fall’s not complete without a healthy dose of apples and sugar.

  1. Go on a hike

With the weather finally cooling down, it’s time to get out and explore the great outdoors. There’s so many great hikes around UCR, from Mt. Rubidoux (one of the items on the Traditions Keepers list if you’re trying to complete that) to the Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Park. Mt. Rubidoux is considered fairly easy by most, with gentle inclines and mostly paved trails. It’s also said to be haunted, which is perfect for getting in the Halloween spirit! If you’re looking to be a little more adventurous try exploring Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Park. You’ll do more bush whacking, but it’s a great hike with pretty views. Just make sure to go with plenty of daylight, take water, and keep your eyes and ears open; Southern California is known for their rattle snakes!

But whether you do one thing on this list or all five, just make sure to have fun and make the most of the cool weather while it’s here. It will be gone before you know it!

Megan Gillam

UC Riverside '24

I am an undergraduate student at the University of California, Riverside. I am a double major in English Literature and Psychology. At UCR, I am a writer for Her Campus magazine, on the executive board of my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, and am apart of the Psi Chi honor society. I enjoy writing, reading, horseback riding, hanging out with friends, shopping, cooking, and playing with my dog.