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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

If you’re anything like me, the end of the year and the prospect of starting fresh is an exciting one. A new year means a new plan, new goals, and a new me. But why wait until January 1st to start making changes? Here are five things you can do before 2024 to start making the most of your new year.

  1. New Year’s resolutions, early

Many people like writing down or saying their new year’s resolution aloud on New Year’s Eve or on the first day of the new year, but I suggest knowing what your resolutions are for a few weeks beforehand, and preparing for them. Let’s say one resolution you have is to drink a certain amount of water a day, each day of 2024. But do you have a cute, size-appropriate water bottle you can start filling up on January 1st? If you want to start going to the gym a few times a week, have you signed up for a gym membership, or looked at the options in your area? I suggest deciding on your resolutions now, so you can prepare in advance to start them strong.

  1. Start the habits now

Additionally, if you’re motivated to get things done, to make changes, it would be a good idea to get started now. The sooner you start the habits you want to make consistent, the sooner you will be able to do them without thinking. If you wait until the new year to get started on your water-drinking or gym habit, the days when it is hardest will be right in the beginning of the year. You’re more likely to give up if you feel like you’re “already failing” at the beginning of the year, rather than “practicing for next year” at the end of 2023. Get those hard days out of the way so you feel confident in your abilities to achieve your goals next year!

  1. Get a new planner for 2024

If you’re a lover of planners like me, you should order or create your planner for 2024 now. Not only will this allow you to start utilizing your planner on January first of next year, but you will also be able to create excitement for 2024 by putting events and plans in the pages. 2024 seems more fun and less scary when you get to write in the date of your favorite music artist’s new tour! If you’re not sure what type of planner suits you best, check out my article on planner types.

  1. Winter cleaning

We all know of “spring cleaning,” but you might want to switch it to “winter cleaning” this year. Spend the last few weeks of the year getting your home or dorm feeling sparkly and fresh for the start of the new year. A clean space tends to make you feel better, and you want to feel your very best to start off 2024! Not only this, but cleaning in itself can actually make you feel calmer and more in control.

  1. Reflect on 2023

While we’re still in the end stages of 2023, it’s a good time to reflect on this year. What did you enjoy most? What did you learn? Who were the people you found comfort in, and who was a supportive friend? Think about what habits you have that are unhealthy, and what factors in your environments and relationships are leaving you unsatisfied. Make a plan to remove the negative elements of your life, to make room for the positive. As much as the start of the year is for “in with the new,” we cannot forget that “out with the old” is just as important.

Caroline Lesser

UC Riverside '24

Hiya! I'm Cal, and I'm a fourth year Creative Writing major at the University of California Riverside. In addition to writing and editing for UCR's chapter of HerCampus, I'm focusing on my honors capstone project. I love cozy video games, tea lattes, crochet, and language learning. Aside from articles, I write horror and fantasy.