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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

With the recent news that California will start easing their mask mandate on June 15th, this summer will be completely different from last summer. With that being said, no matter how you’ll be spending your summer this year, it’s only necessary to have a great playlist that accompanies it. So here are some of my favorite songs that radiate summer:


Not only is “Go” a song that perfectly represents summer, but it’s also an amazing song to listen to when you’re feeling down. The catchy chorus is what makes this song a perfect one to listen to while driving with the moonroof open. Mia Gladstone’s EP CYCLE/S has similar songs to “Go,” another personal favorite of mine being “Change the Channel.” 

“Blueshell” by Aisle 5 

This underrated song is one that I stumbled upon while skimming through various Spotify playlists. The fact that this song has less than 120,000 streams on Spotify is really surprising because the vibrance of this song is remarkable. 

“Deep Breath in the Sun” by Grady

Unlike the other two songs, this song by Grady is a lot more chill, focusing more on indie/alt-pop instead of upbeat pop. This song is great to listen to while staying at home and reading a book or hanging out with your friends outside. 

“Grow” by HOAX

This song by HOAX has some funky indie-rock undertones, which is why it’s one of my favorites. In addition, the message of the song is uplifting and upbeat, perfect to listen to without a care in the world.

“Raingurl” by Yaeji 

Although not quite underrated, this song by Yaeji is perfect for just dancing in your room by yourself at 3 in the morning. The chorus and its buildup can make anyone feel like the hottest person in the room. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed my music recommendations! Enjoy your hot girl summer and, most importantly, be safe!


Angelin Simon

UC Riverside '24

Angelin is currently pursuing a B.S. in Neuroscience at UC Riverside. In her free time, she enjoys taking long naps, stargazing, and painting.
Deedee Plata

UC Riverside '22

20 year old creative writing major with a love for skincare, representation, and art. When not laying down and watching cartoons, I can be found working on my novel or browsing through baby name forums.