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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

What a Friend Had to Say About Our Campus Cutie:“She’s the sweetest and most driven girl I know. Everyone she meets always falls in love with her uplifting personality. She deserves to be recognized for her smile. She’s beautiful inside and out. And it is hot that she likes the paranormal.”

School Year:
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown:  Loomis, CA
Relationship Status:  Taken
Activities: President/Founder of The Paranormal Research at UCR, member of the American Medical Student Association at UCR and Health Careers Organization, Intern at the Emergency Department at Riverside Community Hospital.

How do manage to be so involved and keep up with school?
Time management is key and I learned to handle my workload through mistakes. I set specific time to each task just so I give everything equal effort.
What made you want to start the Paranormal Research Society at UCR? And how can other students get involved? I have always had a fascination with the paranormal. My beliefs in the supernatural began when I was very little. My family has always had a positive attitude towards the paranormal and when I had an experience in England at the age of 10, my beliefs became concrete. As I got older, I started watching all the paranormal investigation shows, especially Paranormal State. Paranormal State stars a group from Penn State who started as a club on campus. They inspired me to start PRS at UCR. I knew if they could do it, I could too. It’s super easy to get involved! Just come to our weekly meetings, keep up to date by liking us on Facebook, and sign up as a member on https://highlanderlink.ucr.edu/ .

Is UCR haunted? 
I wouldn’t say it’s all haunted but definitely Rivera Library. We did a paranormal investigation there last March. We were there from 12-4am and some crazy things happened. We even caught “Help me” on our audio recorder. Yes, I have. I’ve never seen a full bodied apparition but my group and I have caught a shadow spirit on camera, captured an EVP that said “Help me,” and have had numerous intelligent responses to our equipment. In England, I’ve even experienced a vase float up and crash on the floor! That was crazy.

What made you want to pursue the medical field?
I’ve always loved solving problems especially involving the body. The body is an amazing mechanism and it’s exciting learning about all the functions and miracles our bodies can do. Also, I really love to help people. Interning in the E.D., I strive to make the patients feel comfortable and cared for in their stressful time. Patient care is number one.

What did you do this summer?
I have spent a lot of time with my family, boyfriend, and friends. I don’t get to do this a lot since I am about 9 hours away from home when at UCR. Also, my boyfriend and I went to Cabo in July. That was so much fun! We went on a snorkeling cruise, partied at Skid Roe, and relaxed at the swim up bar at our resort. Best vacation ever!

What are you most looking forward to this quarter?I can’t wait to start the 2nd year of PRS at UCR, continue my internship, start to study for the MCAT, and to see all my awesome friends again!

Who do you want to perform at Heat?
Lady Gaga, of course! That would be my dream but I doubt that would happen. LMFAO would be awesome too. I love any artist/band that can make me dance!

What’s the funniest way a guy has ever hit on you?
Haha! Well, when I was a freshman in high school this guy came up to me and used some corny pick up lines. For example, he pointed at my arm and said “Did that hurt?,” and I was all “what? no.” He then finished with “when you fell from heaven.” 

Describe the perfect date.
My perfect date would have to be on the beach. I would love to have a private dinner on the sand surrounded by candles, tiki torches, and romantic live music while watching the sunset. 

What would you say makes a relationship work?
What makes a relationship work is a solid foundation of friendship before the romance begins. It creates a certain trust you don’t get from meeting someone at a party or club, where that lust/romance begins without friendship first. Also, it is always good to calmly talk everything out no matter how mad you are. Keeping anger and concerns in will just ruin the relationship.

Cutest thing your boyfriend has ever done for you?
I love my boyfriend! He definitely treats me like a princess. Even after 5 years of dating, he still manages to make me fall in love with him over and over again. The cutest thing he has ever done for me was write me a song and play it on his guitar. It was so beautiful. He has written me about 4 poems since then. He is very good with words and is awesome at guitar. Also, he just surprised me with a white gold diamond promise ring to celebrate our 5 years together. I was so surprised I almost fainted! I love it! 

Celebrity Crush?
Channing Tatum (especially in Magic Mike!) or Robert Pattinson.

If you could only watch three movies for the rest of your life what would they be? 
The Shinning: because I love scary movies, Magic Mike: because it would never get old, and The Little Mermaid: because I can’t live without at least one Disney movie! 

Would you rather be the richest person on the planet or be immortal?
Richest because I wouldn’t want to live forever.

Would you rather have the ability to speak to animals or speak all foreign languages? I would LOVE to speak all languages. I love to travel so that would come in handy.  

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.