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Resources, Not Used

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Welcome back from the Holiday break! I think we’ve all had plenty to eat and have spent more than enough time with our families. Now we’re back in good ol’ Riverside. The land of caffeine and unpleasant levels of anxiety.

Personal-Story Time: My name is Dani and for the past four and a half years I’ve been dealing with things that are out of my control. It’s not just me though and in all honesty my case is no more important than anyone else’s. For the sake of keeping this as impersonal as possible: I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety for quite some time now and it wasn’t until it started to affect my school work and my writing that I decided to look for help.

It’s pretty embarrassing to admit these things, particularly over the internet. But I’ve recently discovered a lot of good resources that can help you through even the hardest of times. All you have to do is WANT TO GET BETTER.

Were you aware that UC-Riverside has a group of counselors readily available and eager to help you? Were you also aware that the same office that hosts those counselors has support groups available for a number of different phobias and issues? If not, now you most certainly are. There is no excuse, only fear (and fear isn’t even that good of an excuse, mind you).

The worst thing that you can do is give up. Don’t give up on yourself. There are so many things to do in this world, in this life, that you haven’t yet done. The least you can do for yourself is seek help. It’s what your family wants and it’s what you desperately need (although, you probably won’t admit it). Even if you don’t particularly want to seek help in Riverside or within the school itself, there are so many more resources outside of UCR.

The number one thing that stopped me from getting the help I deserved (secretly wanted), was fear. I understand how scary it can be, I fear being helped and having to admit it more than I fear myself, but it’s all just based on a stupid preconceived notion. Therapist, counselors, psychologist, support groups, family and friends aren’t all out to get you and they aren’t trying to patronize you or belittle you. Let go of that totally false stereotype and pick yourself up. As one of my very favorite musicians once said “We all must do something that scares us to death…otherwise what the fuck is the point?” (frank iero)

Getting Help:

UCR: To make an appointment with a counselor at UC-Riverside call (951) 827-5531 and ask for an “Intake Appointment”. To join a support group call the number and ask about the support groups that they offer. You can also visit http://counseling.ucr.edu/counseling-services/Pages/default.aspx for more information.

Online Resources: Lifeline is a website that offers you a free 24/7 service, you can call in for any reason at any time to speak to someone whether you desperately need the help or just someone to talk to about the everyday stresses in your life. They also help you find a therapist/ counselor/ psychologist near you. Call in at 1(800) 273-8255. You can chat with them online if you don’t feel like you want to call in. For more information visit http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ and the site should answer any questions you have.

If you’ve been searching for a sign, this is it.

There is help reaching out to you.


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