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R’Traditions: Why You Should Be A Traditions Keeper

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Entering my first year, I knew off the bat I wished to get involved on campus in some way, shape, or form. I wanted to take my first quarter light, so I decided to focus mainly on academics. Once winter quarter rolled around, I heard of a program through UCR Student Life called Highlander Traditions Keeper.


Immediately I was interested because of the challenge it posed, but it was definitely manageable over the next four years or so. The program is essentially a list of “traditions” which students can complete, but they are separated into categories. These categories range from “Academic/Professional Development” to “UCR Pride!” and only 54 of the listed traditions need to be completed to earn a medal. 

Photo by UCR Student Life


Regardless of if you finish the traditions, you will be invited to the banquet each year if you are enrolled. When I attended the banquet my first year, it was amazing to see the graduating seniors receive their medals. It gave me inspiration for my own graduation and left me excited for the future.

Photo by UCR Today


There is no set time slot or schedule for completing traditions and you can also complete traditions without even knowing it! Some traditions are as simple as wearing UCR gear or going to visit your professor during office hours. This unique experience allows you to see a side of campus and the city of Riverside with a fun challenge and allows you to be rewarded for it. This is definitely something I enjoy and would love for you to enjoy too!



Mya Benavides

UC Riverside '21

Lover of kindness, music, and creating. Undergrad at UCR pursuing a B.A. in Sociology along with a Minor in English.