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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

As the leaves start to rust brown and the morning air is feeling chilly, this marks the beginning of fall quarter at UC Riverside. However, this autumn feels more momentous to me as I commence my first year at university. Here is a recap of how the first two weeks have gone and how it feels to be at the start of a new stage. 

Perhaps the most frightening idea of starting college revolves around academics. The quarter system is something completely new to me and so far it’s been the hardest aspect to adjust to. In only a few days, professors have already covered a large portion of material, assigned essays, and have even referenced the upcoming midterms. Hence, how easy it is to feel overwhelmend right at the beginning. So far, my best friend has become Notion, an easy digital planner that has helped me create To-Do lists and cute weekly agendas. Although school work is tedious, the best motivation has stemmed from visually aesthetic notes, and the feeling of validation once they’re completed. 

Stepping on to such a new, large campus was something that worried me about starting college. However, I have come to realize how easy it is to walk through UCR’s beautiful grounds. A notable favorite study spot has become Bytes-located inside Winston Chung Hall-that serves yummy coffees, pastries, and sandwiches. It’s comforting to pop some music in my headphones and spend my time working on homework while sitting outside the shaded tables surrounded by trees. In addition, the Student Success Center is also enjoyable to explore, with its beautiful indoor stairwell architecture, diverse seating, and large windows that look out onto the campus. Even studying inside Rivera Library has filled me with a sense of calmness as I pretend to be some modern version of Hermionie Granger at Hogwarts or Rory Gilmore at Yale. It surely is easy to romanticize a new environment, especially to make you feel more at home here at UCR. 

Even social life has been easy so far as a new student here on campus. I am pleased with the numerous events planned by the student body to help get freshmen more engaged.. The Block Party was a thrilling concert to get students more pumped about the start of school and it served as an exciting opportunity to meet new people around us while connecting through live music performances. 

Overall, the atmosphere UCR has to offer has been extremely welcoming and I am confident that I made the right decision to attend. 

Elisa Chavez

UC Riverside '27

Hello, my name is Elisa and I am a first year English major beyond thrilled to be a part of the writing committee. My favorite hobby in the world revolves around reading romance and fantasy novels, in fact I love spending time at bookstores. It is also worth mentioning that I adore cats, indie music, Harry Styles, and watching "Gilmore Girls" all year round.