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Never Been Kissed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Dear Annie,
I’m currently in my last quarter of freshman year at UCR. It’s been a great year and I love being a student here. However one thing has been bugging me. I haven’t had my first kiss and I’ve never been in a relationship…ever. I’m really easy to talk to, have a good group of friends, and am reasonably attractive (I think). Is it weird that I haven’t met a great guy yet? And is there still hope?
 -Ready for a Relationship

Dear Ready for a Relationship,

The fact that it took me so long to respond does not mean that there is no hope! It just means that I’ve been lounging in my beach chair, sipping coconut water in my backyard, longing to travel to beautiful places, and missing people that I’ve never met before. Please excuse my ramblings, and cling on to my wise words of wisdom: There is hope for you! Lots of it!

Right now it’s summer and if you’ve already found yourself a boyfriend then I’m sure you’re either annoyed that I’m responding so late or are going to cackle at the response that you no longer need.

Okay, so you must be 18 or 19 years old and you
haven’t had your first kiss, so you’re feeling frantic and are starting to question whether there is something wrong with you. But let me stop you right there. Keep being true to who you are because guess what? It’s okay that you haven’t been a relationship before! In fact it’s more than okay, it’s awesome! That means that whenever you do have your first boyfriend he isn’t going to be some schmuck that you felt you had to kiss in the 8th grade because you got tricked into being his girlfriend when your idiot friends announced that you two were going out in front of all your classmates! See the truth is that although it may seem like all your friends or other people are in a relationship, realize that not everyone is with someone.

I honestly think it’s better to wait for someone who you truly like and want to kiss. Don’t jump into a relationship with someone just because you feel that you’re “too old” or that you’re never going to have the opportunity to nab someone. The truth is you’re young, beautiful, and smart! You don’t need to settle! And you shouldn’t feel bad about not having had your first kiss yet. Trust me, if you’re not in a relationship with the right person it’s going to suck and leave you feeling a bit bitter about future relationships.

I feel like there are some girls who always seems to have a boyfriend, while year after year you’re still single. And then you start to ask yourself; what does she have that I don’t? And the answer is who the heck knows! Just don’t become pessimistic about not having met a great guy yet. Trust me there are a lot of them out there! Try going to new places, join clubs on campus, say hi to that cute guy in your bio class. Put yourself out there with the thought of simply making a new friend. Go make the most of the rest of your three or four years here at UCR and who knows maybe you’ll find the right guy in the process!

Need advice? Then ask away! It’s totally anonymous! http://bit.ly/HJ9sLC

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.