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My Favorite Tracks on 1989 (Taylor’s Version)

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

It’s every Swiftie’s favorite time of year. Just three months after the re-recording of Speak Now released, Taylor Swift’s latest re-recording, 1989, came out this past Friday. The iconic pop album is arguably one of the singer’s best and it was my personal choice when it came to looking forward to the re-recordings. With sixteen tracks we already know and love, and five vault tracks, there are plenty of great songs to choose from. Here are a few of my favorites. 

5. You are in Love (Taylor’s Version)

This classic love song was originally on the deluxe edition of 1989 back in 2014 and has remained one of my most listened Taylor Swift songs since. From the heartwarming lyrics to the nostalgic production, the re-recording captures everything that the first version was and more. 

4. Clean (Taylor’s Version)

In an album full of vibrant pop hits, “Clean” has always stuck out to me for its message on healing and growth. The beautiful meaning is accompanied by stunning vocals from Swift alongside co-writer Imogen Heap, making it still so emotional to listen to nearly ten years later. 

3. Now That We Don’t Talk (Taylor’s Version) [From The Vault]

The Vault is one of the most important aspects of the album re-recordings and 1989’s did not disappoint. “Now That We Don’t Talk” is a fun take on breakups, whether that be for friendships or romantic relationships. It’s the perfect song to sing along to!

2. Style (Taylor’s Version) 

Okay, I’m a little biased here because I think “Style” is pop perfection and I had to add it to this list. The production is slightly different in the new version, but it is still nevertheless a fantastic track and the epitome of what makes 1989 one of Swift’s staple records. 

1. Is It Over Now? (Taylor’s Version) [From The Vault]

Another vault track and definitely my favorite on the album from my first listen. I mean, how can you not love a call-out song with the line “You search in every model’s bed for something greater”?

1989 truly does not have a bad track and even though I’ve known many of these songs for years, choosing a top five was an interesting process. These re-recordings have been so exciting and it is wonderful to listen to Taylor Swift’s reimagined songs. Now, onto Reputation and her debut, Taylor Swift!   

Alyssa Gordon

UC Riverside '24

Hi, I'm Alyssa! I'm a fourth-year Media and Cultural Studies major with an English minor. I love anything pop culture and baking related. When I'm not writing, I can be found reading or rewatching episodes of my favorite 2010's sitcoms.