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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Kanksha is not your average college student; while pursuing a B.S. in Bioenginnering and a future career in medicine, Kanksha still finds time in her hectic schedule time to volunteer at the local hospital, organize volunteer opportunities for The American Medical Student Association,
and work at the Academic Resource Center. Amidst her frantic schedule, Kanksha enjoys cooking, experimenting with new things, and shopping during her free time. Sadly, fellas, this cutie is not single. Here, Kanksha gives us an insight of what her busy life is like as a student pursuing a difficult medicine career.
Karina: What clubs are you involved in?
Kanksha: I am mainly involved in The American Medical Student Association. It is the one club on campus I dedicate most of my time to. It is definitely one of best organizations on campus to be a part of because of the goals we have and the things we do for our peers and our community to show what a privilege medicine really is.
I am currently a board member and I plan out all our volunteer activities.
Karina: What are your career goals?
Kanksha: Some of my immediate goals would be to go to medical school right after my fours years here at UCR. More long term, I hope to become a doctor, what kind- I’m not exactly sure yet, I just know that I wholeheartedly want to become a physician. I believe I’ve wanted to become a doctor ever since I was high school. A physician is someone you look up to, and one who can comfort you at your lowest point. Not only are they your caretakers, but they are much, much more. Putting your safety in the hands of another is not a small thing. The power of a physician is to really put hope back into a person’s life. But, the main reason I’ve decided on a career choice in medicine is because I love listening, experiencing, and sharing things with my peers. And through good company, world-class medicine, and a sincere heart, doctors really can make a big difference in our communities.
Karina: What do you during your free time?
Kanksha: In my free time, I enjoy reading for leisure, and watching television. I’m a
little obsessed with my television set! I also enjoy cooking, and experimenting with
different things, no matter how they come out! (So you probably don’t want to come
for dinner!) Lastly, I’d have to say I enjoy shopping the most! I get a sense of
calmness, as dumb as that may sound. I guess you could say that it’s a definite stress
Karina: How do you cope with the difficulty of your courses?
Kanksha: Let’s see. I cope with my difficult classes by studying. That may seem like an obvious answer, but college students aren’t really “studying” — they are  memorizing. Studying does not mean learning all your lecture notes a few days before your exam, or even a few weeks before your exam. It means, taking the time
out of your day to review the material taught at the end of the day, assessing, doing homework, and asking questions while continuing to grasp these concepts at the end of the week. This is how I manage the difficulty of my classes. I study effectively!
Karina: What advice would you give someone who is seeking to be a pre-med major
in college?
Kanksha: I would say whatever you do, don’t lose sight of your goal. Let that motivation that you have shine through in whatever you do. Prioritize, work hard, and be realistic. We are only human. Don’t stress out about the little things and look at the whole picture. Most of all, make sure medicine is what you love! Trying to do
something you hate will not be in anybody’s best interest. I would say to keep these in mind, and you’ll do great!
Karina: What is a typical day like for you?
Kanksha: Wow, a typical day for me is pretty busy. It gets kind of monotonous occasionally, but the little spontaneous things throughout my day spice it up. I wake up and head to the gym, go through my day of classes, and work at the Academic Resource Center. I meet with my peers of the respective clubs, associations and
events that I’m involved in. Then I go home and finish my school work, study a little bit, watch some TV, maybe play a little Temple Tun, sometimes volunteer at the hospital, and even hang out with my friends on a less hectic day — those are hard to come by. Though each and everyday is busy in its own way, I manage. Overall,
college is very fun. (:

Monica Pena is a sophmore at the University of California Riverside and is originally from the valley of San Fernando in the city of Los Angeles. Monica and her room mate Nicole Danille Matinez both enjoy writing and are now Co founders of the UC Riverside Her Campus Branch. Monica dreams of moving to New York and going to Law School. Aside from Law school, she is a fanatic of fashion and writing and also wants to pursue a career in journalism.