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Finals Week De-Stresser Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Do you want some more ideas to relieve stress for your upcoming finals? Here are some more ideas to make your study breaks more exciting!

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Clay Creation
Clay creations are one of the best stress relievers that there is! Take a study break for an hour and take out some clay and start creating! Build a house, your favorite animal, food, your pet, or anything that comes to mind. Use this time to relax your mind and enjoy molding/shaping the clay into anything you desire!

Candle Making
This fun idea will only take up a small portion of your time. The candle making process is another option that will help take your mind off of studying for a little while. Add any scent that you like to your candle. Create a label for your candle that is unique to you. When you’re all done, settle down, light your candle, and enjoy studying with a candle that you have created!

Ceramic Painting
Gather up a couple of friends, play some music, order some pizza, and begin painting! Mix up some colors on your color palette to change things up a bit for your ceramic painting. When you are satisfied with your creation, set it on your desk to enjoy while you study!

Build Lego’s
Do you have a lego set that has been sitting in your room unfinished? Now is the perfect time to use that study break to begin building your lego set! Invite your friends over to make this event even more exciting!

Take a Walk
While studying and upcoming finals can be stressful, it is important to take care of yourself and to check up on others. Invite your friends to accompany you while you take a break from studying and preparing. Catching up with friends and family can help relieve the stress that you may be feeling during finals week.

These are some more ideas that can help during finals week and studying. Remember to take breaks, take care of yourself, and check up on friends and family. Good luck on your final exams!

Joy Marina

UC Riverside '24

Hello! My name is Joy and my hobbies include reading, writing, baking, fashion, and beauty/skincare.