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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.


Birthday: May 19, 1992
Class of : 2014 
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Chemistry (I want to minor in something but I’m not sure what) 
Class of: 2014

Fun Facts

What activities are you involved in?
I’m part of UCR Chamber Singers and the LGBTQ CORE Program.
What’s your favorite movie?
I can’t decide!! I have too many. Let’s see, there’s Mean Girls and Rent. I basically love watching comedies, dramas, and musicals.

Your favorite TV show?
Glee, of course. I also watch Degrassi, Pretty Little Liars, and Anime shows.
Do you have any siblings?
I have two brothers, a sister, and a dog.
Why did you choose Chemistry as your major?
In high school I thought that Chemistry was going to be a class where we’d be experimenting with chemicals and blowing stuff up. But when I actually took the class, I was disappointed because we didn’t get to do any of that stuff. But I had a great teacher who made the class fun and I found myself loving lab work. So when I came to UCR I decided to major in it.


Fun Facts Contintued..

What kind of music do you like?
I can listen to about everything except for screamo, and heavy metal. I mostly listen to pop, dance, and soft/slow music. It really all just depends on my mood.
I see that you’re in choir. How long have you been in it and why do you enjoy it?
I went to an elementary school where we had to take classes in dance, choir, art, and theater. I didn’t really get involved in choir until high school. In 9th grade, I started out in the beginning choir and from 10th to 12th grade, I was part of the advanced choir. Now, I’m part of the UCR Chamber Singers. I have been in a choir for about six years now. I enjoy being in a choir because I love to sing. It’s a great stress reliever and I get to travel to new places and meet new people. I also enjoy going to competitions, I’ve made some great friends along the way.
Do you have any tips for students who are trying to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and work?
TIME MANAGEMENT! I know every advisor says this and it’s getting old, but it honestly helps. I have yet to mastered this! I think the best thing you can do is learn to prioritize what’s important and what isn’t.
What’s your dream job?
I’m not so sure myself. I’m leaning towards forensic science and being a researcher because I love doing lab work.
Getting to Know Dennis

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
In 10 years, I see myself in a stable and functioning relationship. I will have a job that I’ll enjoy going to. I will live in a studio apartment or a house with a dog or two. And I ‘ll still be hanging out and laughing with my really close friends.
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Chocolate!! This is the reason why winter is the death of me because chocolate is everywhere!

What’s your favorite thing to do in Riverside?
I love driving around Riverside at night, walking around the Mission Inn, strolling along Fairmont Park, and hiking Mt. Rubidoux.
What do you look for in a relationship?
I’m looking for someone I know I can go to whenever anything is wrong.
What are some turn on/turn offs for you?
I don’t like guys with lots tattoos and piercings, especially not those with giant gauges. I would never be into anyone that does drugs, is always pessimistic, is extremely high-maintenanced, closed-minded, and overconfident and cocky. I like guys who are smart, honest, hard-working, dorky, quirky, “the good type of weird”, cute, willing to try new things, and someone who knows how to have fun and when to be serious.
Do you have any life mottos?
I believe in karma. I try to be optimistic about every situation I’m in. I’ve also never hated anyone. I might find someone annoying, but I could never despise them.

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.