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Concert Wardrobe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

With the weather warming up, everyone’s pulling out their springtime clothes and putting away those chunky sweaters and coats. Spring Splash is right around the corner and of course, you want to look and feel your best at the last concert of the school year! This warm weather is the best kind for versatile items such as shorts, tanks, and dresses. Not sure what to wear? Don’t fret — here’s some tips to catch a few glances at Spring Splash:


Spring dresses and rompers look cute alone, but paired with a denim jacket or a light cardigan can add color and warmth for nighttime outings. Frayed denim shorts and colored shorts can add a bit of edge to a simple black or white v-neck. Lastly, you can never go wrong with shorts and a cute blouse or tank. Sheer button ups have been super popular lately, as well as patterned tops. For the floral lovers, floral is always an “in” print for the warmer months.


T-shirts and jeans are a staple in every guy’s closets. Keep it simple and leave your outfit as is, or for an extra touch accessorize with a snapback or sunglasses. Button-up flannels and plaid shirts are fashion-savvy shirts that can be worn during any time of the year. Recently, guys have been into wearing tanks, so if you want to get your tan on, tanks are the perfect concert outfit for you.

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UC Riverside

UC Riverside

Monica Pena is a sophmore at the University of California Riverside and is originally from the valley of San Fernando in the city of Los Angeles. Monica and her room mate Nicole Danille Matinez both enjoy writing and are now Co founders of the UC Riverside Her Campus Branch. Monica dreams of moving to New York and going to Law School. Aside from Law school, she is a fanatic of fashion and writing and also wants to pursue a career in journalism.