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Comics, Comics + More Comics.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

If you’re anything like I am, you’re a college kid who spends way too much time on their computer and too much money on comic books. It’s actually quite an extravagant life. Sure, you’re probably partially blind because of the bright computer screen and sure, you’re probably broke because you’ve spent all your money on basically anything with super heroes printed on it. But extravagant, nevertheless.

BREAKING NEWS: Comic books and super heroes are no longer just for guys!

BREAKING NEWS: They haven’t been for a super long time!

There are a couple things you need to know about super heroes. First of all, all the cool ones are super underrated. Second of all, all the lame ones are super overrated. But the last thing (listen closely because this one is the most important) stick to what you know and branch out from there. The last thing you want to do is walk into a comic book store and feel like you’re out of place. Comic book stores are supposed to be places of refuge for us slightly geeky folks, in fact most of the time they are!

Stick to what you like and look into things that are similar, that should help you learn more about what to pick up when you visit these shops.

Super heroes tend to be alter ego’s of the most egotistical kind. But that’s okay, hey sometimes I even fancy a bit of Wonder Woman ego as my alter. It’s okay to want to escape for a bit, it’s okay to want to explore some mystical made up world. It’s even okay to just want to read about these mutant/ alien/ radioactive beings. Whatever you reason is it’s okay and dorky to the coolest extent.

Here are some things you probably didn’t know about Comic Books & Shops:

  • Recent comic books are priced anywhere from $2.99 to $4.99, the older more valuable (more collectable) ones can vary in price.
  • Comic shops often hold signings for new comics, promotional for the artists and writers.
  • If you are struggling with finding a shop near you, you can find one at comicshoplocator.com.
  • Once a year, every year comic shops hold a Free Comic Book Day. You go around to participating shops and they give you comics that distributors and writers want to promote. It’s the first Saturday in May!
  • There is an upcoming Halloween Comic Fest, where participating comic shops hand out free Halloween themed comics! October 26-27th!
  • If you want to go to a super rad shop, regardless of the hour long drive, you should visit: The Secret Headquarters, Los Angeles. Things From Another World, Studio City and Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood.
  • A shop near you is the Player’s Dugout in Riverside.


Yes, it can be a bit intimidating being a first time comic book shopper. Yeah, it’s definitely intimidating walking into a comic book shop for the first time. But nothing beats the feeling of having a recently bought, plastic encased comic in your possession. Read it over and over again and share it with siblings and cousins and people of all ages. It’s a blast to participate in all the events.



  • “Star Wars” Written by Brian Wood and artist Ryan Kelly.
  • “The True Lives of the Fabulous: Killjoys” Written by Gerard Way (Yes, the dude who was in My Chemical Romance) and artist Becky Cloonan.
just a preamble
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