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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

When I first moved out to my apartment this year, I was a little nervous that I might literally die. Now, this wasn’t a safety concern or anything, but I thought I’d die of starvation. I never really learned how to cook meals for myself while living with my parents and I knew I would not be able to live off of snacks for an entire year. I was initially scared to try cooking because I was worried the food would taste bad but after a couple of weeks, I realized that I basically had to teach myself how to cook since not everyone’s food is the same. This is when I began experimenting in the kitchen and found out what some of my favorite foods to cook are.

  1. Taquitos

Back home my mom always makes taquitos because they’re easy and fast to make. She also makes tomato salsa and lettuce with lemon to eat with the tacos. I had never really done them myself until I moved out and so I began with boiling the tomatoes and while that’s cooking I began to prepare my lettuce. This makes it less time-consuming to do everything. Then right before I finish boiling my tomato I put the frozen taquitos into hot olive oil and begin cooking. In the end, it took me about 20 minutes to make the food. It was pretty full so I enjoyed that.

  1. Eggs and bagels

Most of the time when I need to make food it’s in the morning, either prior to class or work so I know that I’ll be out for a long time and I need something that will sustain me. Making eggs was probably one of the very first things that I learned and it takes three to five minutes so it was usually my go-to. Then I would just toast my bagel and depending on how hungry I was sometimes I would add something like bacon or avocado.

  1. Chocolate chip pancakes

I loved pancakes when my mom would make them, so I decided to try it out for myself and see how they turn out. It was not too hard to make and prepare, it was just difficult to make a perfect pancake. I really enjoyed making it, but since it was harder to get the temperature right for it, it would be more of something I cook on weekends.

  1. Corn on the cob

Making corn is probably one of the easiest things except that it does take time. Many times I boil either one or two corns and it takes about 30-50 minutes for them to cook. During this time I’ll do my homework so that I can be productive, but once it is done I can easily eat it like that, or I can do it like street corn where I add mayonnaise, cotija cheese, and butter. This is very yummy and filling food so I like making it a lot.

These are some of my go-to food choices now that I am no longer living at home. Hopefully, I will begin to learn more advanced recipes as the year goes on so that when I go back home I can have new dishes for my family to try!

Ashleen Herrarte

UC Riverside '22

Ashleen was a UCR Political Science and Philosophy major. She graduated from UCR back in Spring 2022. When she was not writing articles for HCUCR, she was usually spending time with friends by going out to eat yummy foods or watching shows at home. She hopes you enjoyed reading her articles!