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Behind the Treasures of a Pre-Med Student at UCR: Linda Nunez Alfaro

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

The Basics
Name: Linda Nunez Alfaro
Age: 20
Major: Biology
Year: 3rd Year
Hometown: Madera, CA

I don’t think people really know the work a treasurer has to go through; what can you tell people about being treasurer for Latino Union?
It’s a lot more work than a lot of people might think. Having to deal with a big organization’s budget, there’s a lot of financial situations that you have to learn about and manage. It’s a lot more than just managing your banking account. It’s an account that doesn’t belong to you. You have to make sure the money is being used for good reasons.

How do you think holding a position for a large organization on campus is helping you develop?
It’s definitely helping me manage stuff outside of schoolwork. It’s one thing to manage being in a club, but being part of the group running the club is a lot more time and commitment. It helps you understand how to manage school, work, and the part that is actually enjoying what you’re part of.

Latino Union isn’t the only job you have, you also intern at the clinic on campus! What is that job like and what do you do?
Well that job is very different. It’s like a 180 degree turn from Latino Union. Being involved in LU is managing money. At the UCR health center, I am interacting with clients there and learning how to deal with patients, something I want to do in the future. I’m learning how to interact with people in a clinical setting, filling out lots papers, and working with different personalities.

Why did you take on this internship on campus? Are there any other medical related jobs you plan to take on in the near future?
I took on this internship because not only am I trying to explore health related careers out there, but I am also trying to develop my own perspective on different fields. I’m trying to make up my mind on what I maybe want to do. It’s also something I haven’t thought of involving myself in, psychology and how it can be health related, and maybe it is something I might want to do. In the future, I want to work in a hospital or medical clinic, just to experience what that’s like and compare it to this job.

As a biology major you have so much work on your hands with science courses and labs, how do you handle so much work at once?
First, you have to prioritize. What I like to do first is look at the first classes in the week, then what tests come first in the schedule, and schedule my readings for those tests first. Having so many classes, you might focus on what you are only interested in, but you have to remember that you have other classes to worry about, too.


What inspired you to want to head towards the medical field? What kind of doctor do you hope to become one day?
Part of my inspiration for pursuing the medical field is myself having to deal with different medical issues in the past, and also family members. When I was little, seeing different health issues made me curious of how and why something happens. Becoming a science student at UCR continues my curiosity and interest to learning more. In the future I hope to be an oncologist or cardiologist.

You’re from NorCal, and I know you don’t visit home often, sometimes not even during the summer. How do you cope with not seeing your family for such a long time? Are you close with your family?
Yes, I am very close with my family. You have to just think about why you are here and that gets you through it. It is hard. Going home for a week, and then coming back for 3 months, you might think you are getting used to it, but you’re not. You just have to keep telling yourself why you are doing this and your future goals. You got to keep thinking that you are working on something better for yourself and for your family.

Do you already have an idea of where you want to head for medical school? Are you considering UC-Riverside School of Medicine?
Right now, I guess you can say my dream medical school would be UCLA School of Medicine. But being an undergrad at UCR, and seeing the work the professors and staff are putting into opening the medical school here at UCR, I would consider going to UCR Medical School.

What seems to be your biggest fear right now?
My biggest fear right now would be failing what I am doing, or not achieving my ultimate goal—medical school. My passion is pursuing the medical field, and it’s scary to think you might not make it, and maybe not being prepared as much as you think you are.

Who do you consider to be your greatest support?
My greatest support is my family. Living so far away, they still manage to give me advice or cheer me on to continue. They even take five hours to drive here to UCR to pick me up, and then drive five hours to bring me back to UCR when I want to go visit home. They are my support one hundred percent!

You’re a third year here at UC-Riverside, what are some things you hope to experience this year?
I hope to experience maybe getting to know more of the faculty here, because I am getting into upper division courses. Knowing that something in science is in my future, it would be very beneficial for me. And I want to explore more of the SoCal area. I don’t even really know Riverside! I am always inside studying. I want get out and explore more.

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.