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Ask Aiden: Feeling Bad and Third Wheels

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Here at HCUCR, we want to help you create the best college experience you can possibly have! Sometimes though, we all need a little advice, but from a MALE’S perspective. Ask Aiden your question(s) here.

“Is it bad that I might be leading on guy just a little? I didn’t know that he liked me when he asked me to hang out the other day. And my friends say it’s obvious. He did buy me dinner and wouldn’t let me pay him back. He also talked about how he was really excited to hang out with me and afterwards he kept saying that it was so much fun hanging out with. What should I do?!??”
-Feeling Bad

Well, you’re not really doing anything “bad” persay, but just don’t let things get out of hand. If he starts believing that you’re interested in him when you’re not, then maybe that would be a time to take a step back and tell him your boundaries in a polite way. Or you can find some little ways to hint to him that you’re not interested and you’re just looking for a friend (assuming that’s what you want out of him). ie: while texting, don’t be so lovey dovey with smiley faces, keep it simple and straightforward so that there would be nothing for him to lead off of. Another example would be like when you two are about to part ways after an outting or something, don’t offer a goodbye hug, or if he approaches you with a hug, just give him one of those small one arm friendly hug. Full on hugs usually communicate something completely different. Also, if you are to hangout with him, a good way to communicate that you’re not interested is bringing a friend along or just completely avoiding 1 on 1 hangouts.

“heyyy Aiden! so I kinda have my eye on this guy (haven’t met him yet though) and I noticed that we have a lot of the same interests, which gets me to like him even more! Now I was thinking of introducing myself to him. Only problem is I found out from a friend of mine that she is obsessed with him (no joke). Now, I don’t know what to do. What should I do?”
-Miss Third Wheel

Well technically, he’s single… which means that he’s up for grabs! But I understand where you’re coming from because you also don’t want to swoop in on your friend out of nowhere. I say the best thing you can do as of now is to become friends with that guy and go from there! (Assuming you’re going to get past the introductions part) It doesn’t hurt to make a new friend, right? And from there, you can take that opportunity to get to know each other some more, and maybe things will piece together the way you want it to be! Good luck!

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.