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13 Things to Do Before The World Ends On Friday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Things to do before the world might-possibly-kind-of-sort-of end on December 21st (if you believe that it is ending, or if you just want some YOLO and Carpe-diem type things to do!)

Now, I don’t actually think the world’s going to end; and if it does I will be throwing a very loud and impressive tantrum as I’m zapped up to whatever higher existence may come. But I do like the sentiment of finally doing the things you said you’d never do. So with the year 2012 coming to an end, its poignant to begin 2013 being bold and finally crossing something off that “to do” list.

  1. Do something nice. Whether you believe in karma or not, if the world does end, I’m sure we could all use some nice-points.

But really, do something kind for someone. Donate a few dollars to the charity you’ve always wanted to, dedicate some time to a soup kitchen, or donate a toy to the many charities around this season. We really shouldn’t wait for the end of the world to help others out in this world, so if we do make it past the 21st, try to keep giving when you can (you’ll keep collecting those nice-points!).

  1. The Romantic Notion

Kiss someone you’ve always wanted to, ask someone out for Boba, tell someone how you really feel, tell someone without hope or expectation, running a mile in storming rain to say that they are the most wonderful, perfect person in the world. Right, I may have gotten carried away on that last one, but you understand my gist.

  1. Buy yourself something nice that you’ve always wanted  I’m not saying blow your savings, just spend a little more than you would usually. (I want this crocheted hat, hoping it’ll keep me warm come the apocalypse days!)
  1. Get drunk with your best friends and stay up till 7a.m.  And if you’re not legal (because I am in no way condoning illegality here) drink Starbucks holiday drinks and have fondue. Mainly, enjoy some nice food or drink with the people who make you laugh the most, well into the night until you lose track of time.
  1. Spend a day letting your parents or grandparents teaching you something. Even if your family drives you insane, spend a day in their insanity. Not only will they appreciate you spending your time with them, but also you’ll learn something new, and those fresh cookies and your grandfather’s smile will warm your heart.
  1. Eat more bacon. Or Cheetos. Yes, calories and eating healthy are important. But if the 21st is the last day in this universe, then I am going to eat as much pumpkin pie as I want. Then come the morning of the 22nd, and I will be on the elliptical, and eating salads until I’ve worked off every ounce of pumpkin pie I managed to eat (and then some).
  1. Try something new that you would never do in a million years (unless of course, it might get you killed, get someone else killed, or get you locked up in jail). Go ice skating, smoke a cigarette, go see a artsy indie film, go visit a nearby city you’ve never been to, go climb a mountain, talk to someone you normally wouldn’t, try the completely ludicrous combo of UGGS and booty shorts!


  1. Actually give that barista a tip. You visit the coffee shop daily, and now after finals, you’ve become friendly with the staff behind-the-counter. That little tip-jar sits precariously on the counter, but you’ve never put a dime in, no matter how cheery or how bright that barista’s smile is. Go on, give fifty cents, it may be the last chance!
  1. Sincerely apologize to someone you’ve wronged, even if they don’t forgive you. There are things all of us, in our lives have done that we regret. We’ve hurt people, but not so badly that we can’t apologize. And since you have that chance, apologize, sincerely, without the hope that they’ll forgive you, but the hope that your apology may make them feel ever so slightly better. 
  1. Spend a whole day lying on your couch in your pajamas, catching up (or watching reruns) of your favorite television show, eating all the fast-food goodness California has to offer. 30 Rock on DVR and Mr. Yu’s Chinese, yes indeed!
  1. Travel around your city or hometown like a tourist, and try to find a new view of it; appreciate it as much as you can, see the beauty in the graffitied walls and cracked sidewalks.
  1. Dress up or down as much as you like to go to the store, to the post, or to run errands. Who cares if the people at Walmart think you look pretentious as you flaunt your gorgeousness on a made up aisle-three runway, you wear those heels and that lipstick! Prefer to be in sneakers, muscle-t Van Halen shirt, hair barely done? Then who cares if the grocer doesn’t like your au-natural chap-stick lips? Basically, be yourself, however you like you, and don’t give a s**t what anyone else says or may think.
  1. Spend what could be the last day/evening doing whatever you absolutely wish. Ignoring all those running around trying to prepare for the end, join in on the rage of end-of-the-world parties (which seem to oddly be combining with ugly-Christmas-sweater parties), lying in bed cozily watching the Jon Stewart show with your boo-thang, eating dinner with your family, or watching some sports game with your buds. Take advantage of what you love, who you love, and the places you love.

And then, wake up Saturday December 22nd groggy or bright-eyed, maybe hung over, maybe well rested and well fed, maybe in the loving arms of your adorable corgi puppy, and appreciate that you actually have another 5 bagillion years to keep enjoying it all.