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10 Things You Should STOP Saying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Please keep in mind that the following list is based on my experiences alone, and by no means am I indicating that everyone says these things. 

1) CNAS/BCOE is way harder than CHASS (or something along the lines that people in CHASS aren’t as bright as CNAS/BCOE students or that CHASS people have it easier)
Please stop and think about how we’re at an accredited University, I’m pretty sure we’re ALL smart. There’s no need for anyone to judge anybody’s major. Yes, Biochem is hard and labs are killer, but business is also hard, along with Philosophy, Sculpture and Design, etc. Suck it up, life’s hard.

2) Asking if this seat taken
I think this might only annoy me, but if no one is sitting on the chair beside me and I haven’t placed my bag there then it ISN’T taken. I especially hate this question when we’re twenty minutes into lecture and someone has to ask me if the seat is taken. “NO, this seat IS taken, can’t you see that my friend is wearing an invisibility cloak? Duh.”

3) I got sooo wasted last night!!
Why is it that some people feel the need to talk about this to complete strangers? As if it’s something to be proud of. 

4) YOLO/SWAG/LEGGO, anything along those lines
Once again, we’re at a University, how is it that your vocabulary skills are declining. You’re not a gangster, so stop trying to act like one! And why anyone would want to act like a gangster is beyond me.

5) I’m Forever Alone!
We’re all young, unless you’re 40 and have never been in a relationship then I highly doubt that you will be forever alone. Just like Ask Annie once said “Just because you’ve been single up until now, or are currently single, does not mean that you are going to be single for ever.” (read the article here)

6) She’s such a slut!
Who are you to judge, mind your own business and don’t interfere in other people’s lives. And can’t girls just be a tad bit nicer to each other. We can’t keep turning our backs on every girl who hooks up with someone!

7)  I’m so fat,  I eat too much!
We’re in college, there is never enough food for us to consume. And guess what! You work hard and you deserve to indulge, so just eat! And even if you eat what you want every time, there’s no need to beat yourself up about it. Instead, keep the mind set that the food was delicious and let go of your negative thoughts.

8) Not gonna lie
Why would you even say this? Do you normally lie? So by saying “I’m not gonna lie” you won’t be lying for once?

9) That’s so gay
Just stop, it’s offensive. And 100% of the time it’s unnecessary to call an inanimate object “gay”. 

10) Saying something you don’t mean
Nobody likes hollow promises or people who say something and don’t mean it.  So don’t say you’re going to hang out with me if you’re not going to go through with it. If you’re not 100% certain then don’t say anything at all. Don’t say you’re going to call, if you’re not. It’s rude to leave people waiting for something that isn’t going to happen. 

So ladies and gentlemen, this is my list of the ten things everyone should stop saying. What’s on yours?

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.