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Take Care of Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

With support from April’s Sexual Assault awareness month great steps are being taken toward recovery and self-love but there are some things only we can do for ourselves.  So no matter what your past or present here are some tips to a future of loving yourself because YOU deserve it!

Mirror, Mirror:

Mirrors have been my best friend and my worst enemy.  Loving the body I’m in for what it has given me is an extremely difficult and continuing journey as I know many women can relate to. But I found a trick that has helped me a little.  Every morning spend a minute or two looking in the mirror and tell yourself something you like.  Avoid physical-based compliments and always end with reassuring your love.

Mind, Body, and Soul:

Giving your mind time to unwind and relax helps you get better rest at night and lowers stress.  Try turning off the laptop or phone and grabbing a book or a little yoga.  

For your body, drink lots of water, eat regularly with lots of fruits and veg, and spend a little time outside moving around.  

Lastly, for your soul.  If you can think of one activity that immediate makes you smile and gets your creative juices flowing make sure to take time each week to indulge in it.  For some of us it’s singing or dancing and for others it might even be driving.  

Taking care of yourself in these ways probably won’t solve your procrastination problems but it can make a world of difference to how you treat yourself each day.

Saying Goodbye:

It’s one of the hardest things to do and probably one of the most necessary.

As many of us transition from high school into college, from college to post-grad, or any transition in life our relationship with ourselves and those around us change and it’s important that we do not criminalize change.  Leaving toxic relationships, letting go of the past, and exploring new possibilities are decisions that can make or break these periods in our lives.  One way that may help is to write letters to yourself or others about the feelings and emotions you want to move on from.  Sending them or burning them in a bonfire surrounded by the people you love, or sending them up in the sky with a balloon are all ways to physically express letting those worries and pains go.

No matter if you use these tips or find others don’t be afraid to spend time each and every day loving and caring for yourself!

Until next time lovelies!


Hi, hello!
Crystel Maalouf

UC Irvine '18
