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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

With the recent transition of one of the iPhone’s most popular apps to the Android platform, the fun filtered effects of Instagram are now available on so many more smartphones, making on the go photography both accessible and of surprising decent quality. And after some truly bizarre meteorological mood swings, it’s safe to say that spring has officially arrived in Irvine. Keep scrolling to see what happens when spring at UCI meets Instagram!















Not too long ago, misty mornings tinged the world with a little brisk air before giving way to some seriously warm afternoons. But the mild haziness coupled with the overcast makes for a lovely sight next to BC Cavern.




























And what could be more indicative of spring than colorful flowers? Outside Engineering Lecture Hall and Langson Library respectively, these two vibrant crops of flowers brought new life to the buildings and sights we see on a daily basis.















The only downside to this beautiful weather?
Braving the huge hill in Aldrich Park rushing to class after spending a little too much time admiring the beauty on campus that has sprung with spring.

Rebecca grew up in Hercules California (Norcal), but now lives in Orange County (Socal). She is a senior psychology and social behavior major and management minor at the University of California, Irvine. Rebecca is currently the Co-president/Correspondent at UC Irvine Her Campus Branch and served as the branch's  Social Media Director during the 2010-2011 school year. She traveled around the globe this summer to Paris, Munich, Zurich, Milan, Rome, Venice, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Honolulu after studying abroad in London. It was an AMAZING experience. At UC Irvine she is also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta.