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Lindsay Thompson-Music Festival Miami Ultra Lights Stage Concert Balloons Music Edm
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Culture > Entertainment

Head in the Clouds: The 88rising Concert You Have to Check Out

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Go and grab your friends, because 88rising’s Head in the Clouds concert is coming to Los Angeles on September 22. 88rising, a self-proclaimed “hybrid management, record label, video production and marketing company,” has risen in the ranks over the past three years since its founding. Producing and signing some of the best Asian talent in today’s industry, 88rising effectively bridges the cultures of both the East and the West. As a woman who is also a mixture of both the East and the West, 88rising’s message and music speaks to me and so many others of my generation. Taking place at the LA Historic State Park, their one-day music and arts festival is sure to be a hit. With amazing headliners including Rich Brian, Joji, and Keith Ape, I can’t wait to spend the day dancing along to songs by some of my favorite artists. 

While Head in the Clouds is promising killer headliners and fantastic food, there are also some other things to keep in mind when attending this concert. In addition to having fun, make sure to also be prepared and safe. The forecast is expecting Saturday to be in the high 70s, so make sure to slather on some sunscreen and bring some sunnies. However, the temperature dips in the evening, so a lightweight jacket or flannel will be a necessity to shield yourself from some chilly breezes. 

Her Campus UCI is so thankful to have been given the opportunity to partner with 88rising. We know how many UCI students are such huge fans of many of these artists, that we are having a giveaway! One lucky winner will be receiving two tickets to the Head in the Clouds music festival. To enter, please head over to our Instagram page, @hercampusuci, for more details on how to win. We will be announcing the winner on Wednesday, September 19.


To purchase tickets, head over to their website for more information. Stay tuned on our Instagram for live coverage of the concert. Hope to see you there!    


Elizabeth is a second-year English major at University of California, Irvine. This is her second year as a writer for Her Campus UCI, but her first year as Co-Campus Coordinator. In her free time she loves to write short stories and read fantasy novels.