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Get Black Friday Ready

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Are you excited to go Black Friday shopping? If you are, continue reading to get some tips on how to prepare for your trip to the shopping spree without getting hurt!


#1: Start searching online to find what are the best deals out there. You can do this by going online and checking to see if stores have released their ads for Black Friday.

#2: A couple stores that already have their ads out are: Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Microsoft and many more.   

#3: Electronics are probably the best to buy during Black Friday because they have better deals than other things such as clothes, food and jewelry.

#4: Searching for coupons that can be applied on top of your already discounted item will be a great way to save even more on Black Friday (so make sure to do your research carefully!).

#5: After researching for the products that you want, make a list of them so you do not have to remember them all off the top of your head since you will be able to have the list physically in front of you to look at.

#6: Very important! Make sure to double check when the stores actually open because you want to be the first one in and out of the store (since you will already know what you want).

#7: Lastly, safety first! If you do go Black Friday shopping, beware of violent and crazy people out there who don’t care much about others safety. If you are afraid of getting hurt, another alternative is to shop online and if you happen to miss Black Friday deals, there is also Cyber Monday.


All in all, if you do go Black Friday shopping enjoy the shopping spree and have fun out there, but make sure to stay safe.



Elizabeth is a second-year English major at University of California, Irvine. This is her second year as a writer for Her Campus UCI, but her first year as Co-Campus Coordinator. In her free time she loves to write short stories and read fantasy novels.