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Dante Calvelli ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Name: Dante Calvelli
Year: 3rd Year
Major: Film and Media Studies
Graduation Year: 2012
Hometown: Venice Beach, CA
Astrological Sign: Taurus/Gemini Cusp
Interests: Biking, Baseball, Outdoors and Frolicking
Campus Involvement: UCI Parking
Favorite Artist: Led Zeppelin or Weezer. It’s hard to choose between the two.

What do you find most attractive in a girl?
I’m a sucker for a cute face. As long as she’s a cutie patootie, everything else usually falls into place. However, more importantly she has to be able to make me laugh as much as I make her laugh. She has to also tolerate my random bursts of silliness.

Describe your ideal first date.
My ideal date would be spending a day outside at a park rolling in the grass or laying out at the beach. At night, we would cook something easy and delicious, like pasta! Can’t go wrong with that. Then end the night watching a good flick.

Name one thing on your bucket list.
I NEED to travel and see the world. I’d like to backpack through Europe and then go down under to Australia.

What is your #1 favorite thing about UCI?
The Asian girls. No lie.

What is a hidden talent of yours?
I guess bowling could be a hidden talent of mine.

If you were given an all-access pass and VIP seats to any show or concert you wanted, whom would you choose to see?
I would want front row seats to Led Zeppelin, back in the 70s. When they were less wrinkly and could rock harder and for longer!


Resham is a senior at the University of California, Irvine, with a major in International Studies and a minor in Cognitive Psychology. She is currently a proud member and Editor of Kappa Alpha Theta as well as Assistant Communications Officer of Panhellenic Association. Resham was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and now enjoys living in luxurious Orange County, CA while she goes to school. She loves to travel, go to the beach on sunny California days, and search for the best restaurants in town.