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Connie Chung ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Year: Freshman
Relationship Status: Taken
Major: Film and Media
Hometown: Diamond Bar
Age: Just turned 19!
Favorite nail polish color: Sea Foam Green!
Current song on repeat: “Call me Maybe” –its so catchy!
School Involvements: I’m on the Spirit Squad and just focusing on school for now.

What has been your favorite part about UCI so far?
I like how all the people here are very welcoming and want every one to be
involved. There are so many clubs on campus, so there are a lot of things to do!

So far, where is your favorite spot on campus?
I really like my dorm, Viento. Especially my suite! Everyone in my hall is really nice
and everyone comes to our suite when we want to hang out. I never feel like I’m
alone because there is always someone there to hang out with and talk to.

What is your favorite piece of clothing that you own?
I really like my new boots that my boyfriend got me! They are from Cathy Jean. It
was really sweet of him to get them for me; he really knows my style!

Before leaving for the day, what are your 3 must-have’s?
I need to have my lavender baby lotion, my phone, and keys to my dorm. Oh! & Gum,
actually take out lotion and put in gum!

If you were to be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
I really want to go to Bora Bora because it’s really sunny there! And did you watch
the Kardashians when they went to Bora Bora? It was so pretty and all the huts
were on top of the water! And since it’s been raining lately it sounds perfect.

What famous celebrity would you like to meet one day?
Guiliana Rancic! She’s like my idol! I really want to work at E! news. She’s everything
I want to be because she’s really strong and she really cares about her family. Even
though she tried so hard to get pregnant, she kept trying. She even has breast cancer
and she’s working though it!

What do you look for most in a guy?
Number one is he has to be really funny! He has to have good moral and he has to be
really comfortable to be around.

Biggest turnoff?
If a guy is really cocky, I hate cocky guys. Or if he sags his jeans a lot! I think that’s
really nasty!

Where is the best place to meet a guy?
Somewhere totally unexpected! Like maybe on the bus and you just run into each

What has been the best date you’ve been on?
Well I had a really bad week one time so my boyfriend, Tyler, surprised me with a
box of stuff. In the box were a shirt, a necklace, and a skirt for me to wear on our
date. We went to a bowling place that just opened up and then we went to his house
and he made dinner for me. He had a whole table set up with candles –it was really

Any exciting plans for Spring Break?
I’m probably going to go to San Diego with some friends for like three days.
Hopefully we’ll be able to go to Sea World and the Zoo!

Rebecca grew up in Hercules California (Norcal), but now lives in Orange County (Socal). She is a senior psychology and social behavior major and management minor at the University of California, Irvine. Rebecca is currently the Co-president/Correspondent at UC Irvine Her Campus Branch and served as the branch's  Social Media Director during the 2010-2011 school year. She traveled around the globe this summer to Paris, Munich, Zurich, Milan, Rome, Venice, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Honolulu after studying abroad in London. It was an AMAZING experience. At UC Irvine she is also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta.