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5 Simple Ways to De-Stress your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Are you overwhelmed by exams, projects, parental expectations, the future, etc? With the second batch of midterms coming up, or maybe finals for some of us, you are not alone. Juggling between school, extracurricular activities, and a social life can be hard. Stress happens to everyone (especially us hard-working college students!), but you don’t have to let it take control of your life.

According to the New York Times, every year, women have had a less positive view on their emotional health than men. Stress can do a lot more than make you feel overwhelmed; it turns out that it can be quite harmful to your body. Studies have shown that stress can weaken your immune system, decrease cognitive abilities, cause weight gain, and the list goes on. With exams coming up, getting sick and making stupid mistakes is the last thing we need to keep our life on track. Her Campus at UC Irvine found a few simple ways to de- stress and relax in the midst of finals and papers!

  1. Exercise– 
    Besides toning and getting into better shape, exercising is an awesome way to relieve some stress. Make some time to invest in running or even walking for at least half an hour, three times a week, and you’ll get that time to clear your mind and release some endorphins. If you’re on a bit of a time crunch, squeeze in some exercise by walking to the grocery store if you don’t have to drive, parking a little further than you would normally, and avoid the elevators by taking the stairs.
  2. Have a Girl’s Day–  Let’s be real, venting will always relieve some sort of stress. Who better to vent to than your friends, who probably can relate to most of your problems. Have a night with your girlfriends (or boyfriends) and have a fun care-free night. Whether it’s watching a chick flick, making and using facials, playing board games or just grabbing a bite to eat, having time to talk and relate will alleviate your worries.
  3. Write It Down-  Turn up some of your favorite tunes and spend some time with your journal. Sometimes, it’s tough to talk to someone about your worries, so if you can’t talk it out, then write it down! Not only will you be able to understand your feelings better, but writing will also clear your thoughts and help you do some self-reflexive thinking. 
  4. Plan It Out–  Nothing is more stressful than forgetting an assignment or not realizing you had a meeting until the last minute. The best solution would be to write your events down on a planner. It allows you to feel more organized, and you won’t have to worry about something slipping your mind. Establishing an organized routine of what you have to do will save you some unnecessary worries
  5. Make an Appreciated List–  When you’re feeling like giving up and throwing in the towel, remind yourself of the things that you have. Remember your great friends who have always been there, your family who loves you unconditionally, and don’t forget the fact that there is always someone less fortunate out there, so be grateful! Make a list of the things you are thankful for in your life, and you will see that your problems are tiny in comparison to the positive aspects.


Resham is a senior at the University of California, Irvine, with a major in International Studies and a minor in Cognitive Psychology. She is currently a proud member and Editor of Kappa Alpha Theta as well as Assistant Communications Officer of Panhellenic Association. Resham was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and now enjoys living in luxurious Orange County, CA while she goes to school. She loves to travel, go to the beach on sunny California days, and search for the best restaurants in town.