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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.


Although spring is coming in a little more than a month and a half (as well as our spring break!), it’s still, after all, winter, and with this cold weather comes extremely dry skin. What to do? Here are five tips to help heal your dry skin!



Putting on lotion is key to keeping your skin hydrated! I would recommend a thicker cream to help rid flakiness, dry patches and eczema (itchy, scaly rashes), common problems that occur with dry skin. One moisturizer I recommend is the Aveeno Active Naturals Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream. When our skin is dry, it tends to become more sensitive and more prone to rashes. With this cream, not only is it hydrating, but it will also relieve any eczema you may have. What’s also unique about this cream is that it contains oats. The oats help soothe any irritation and itchiness and make this moisturizer perfect for sensitive skin! Don’t worry; you’re not rubbing oatmeal on your face. Whenever I apply this, it applies just as smoothly as any other lotion. I highly recommend this cream and this is what I am currently using! It has helped my skin so much! Now, don’t forget the rest of your body! Remember to generously apply lotion or preferably, body butter, to really hydrate the rest of your skin.


We often remember to take care of the skin on our face and body, but our lips need some care too! In the winter, our lips can get really dry and crack, especially at the corners of the mouth. Avoid licking your lips as it will dry your lips out even more and instead, apply chapstick (a lot of it!) and reapply when needed. I recommend the Aquaphor Lip Repair. It claims to provide “immediate relief” and it really does. Whenever my lips start to crack, I apply this and it soothes and heals the cracks. It’s my lip savior during the winter!


I know we all love to take long, hot showers when it is so cold outside, but taking long, hot showers really dries out our skin! The hot water removes a lot of the natural, good oils your body produces and long showers just dry out your skin in general, so when you mix both for a long, hot shower, you’re stripping your skin of a lot of its moisture. Try and take shorter showers with just warm water instead of hot. Your skin will thank you! (Plus, short showers are more eco-friendly as well.)



Another thing to avoid are harsh masks/toners. Try to not use masks that dry out your skin like ones that contain acid (usually targeted for treating acne); instead, opt for a more hydrating mask to replenish your skin with any of the moisture lost. As for toners, they are very important as they help hydrate your skin; however, choose ones that do not contain alcohol as alcohol tends to dry out the skin.



It’s important to not only hydrate your skin from the outside but also from the inside! Remember to drink 8 cups of water every day. Not only is this good for your skin but it’s good for your overall health!


Hope these tips help you manage your dry skin for the few winter months we have left! Looking forward to the spring!


Sources: Product pictures from drugstore.com; article cover picture from http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fZg8…



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Cynthia Huang

UC Berkeley

Hello! My name is Cynthia Huang and I am a first year at UC Berkeley. I am so excited to be working with Her Campus! In my free time I like to volunteer, make new friends and eat yummy foods!