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Tumblrs We Love – Part II

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

For those of you that went through our first set of Tumblrs in their entirety, we have created a second collection of Tumblrs we love for you to spend some minutes…or hours on.

Animals Hugging

Looking for something cute? Then check out this Tumblr. Nothing is sweeter than seeing some cute animal love.

And for more cute animals check out: http://animalswithstuffedanimals.com/

Pinterest, You Are Drunk

If you don’t have a Pinterest yet then get on that! Second, why are these things even on the internet? And honestly who thought they were great enough to pin? This Tumblr contains a collection of the oddest things pinned on Pinterest.


If you need some inspiration why not read over some quotes? This Tumblr has tons of them! Everything from the romantic to the beautiful, this blog has them all.

Dirty Little Style Whoree

And for the Fashionista in all of us there is Dirty Little Style Whoree. The author has a very unique and cool style. The Tumblr has great images of awesome outfits and even links where you can see the author’s daily style and even shop for items directly from her closet.


If you’re like us then you’ve seen this Tumblr all over your newsfeed. If not, then you need to take a look at it. It will have you literally laughing out loud after scrolling through just a few pages. It’s a pretty simple blog that just takes common instances and matches up a gif to it (a moving image) that perfectly expresses an emotion.

Elizabeth is a senior majoring in American Studies with a concentration in consumer behavior at the University of California, Berkeley. You'll find her at the pool swimming with the Cal club water polo team or running through campus training for the next half marathon. In addition to an active lifestyle, Elizabeth loves to keep up to date with the latest tech trends and is always looking for a new recipe to try out! Elizabeth hopes to pursue a career in public relations and marketing after graduation.