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Chi Omega Throw What You Know
Chi Omega Throw What You Know
Cassie Howard / Her Campus
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Happy new month, everyone! The fall vibe is definitely upon us: the leaves are turning orange, there’s a chill in the air and Starbucks came out with its new fall menu. And with a new month comes a new opportunity to reflect and think about what we want for the month ahead. When we talk about reflecting on our goals for the upcoming month, we have to talk about what we want for ourselves and that’s where self-love comes in. To clarify, self-love is caring about your happiness and well-being so that you may thrive. But why is self-love so important, you may ask? Read on for the benefits of self-love.

1. increased Happiness

With self-love, we already make ourselves fulfilled with our lives and well-being. And so, with self-love, we can look forward to happiness instead of relying on external things to make ourselves feel good. Self-love can increase your own happiness and confidence, which ensures positive vibes into the new month!

2. more Resilience

Practicing self-love triggers a growth mindset that welcomes challenges. When we practice self-love, we’re more likely to be in a mindset that embraces the unknown. We don’t let things stop us or hold us back from what is really meant for us. With self-love, we gain the resilience to reach new heights. 

Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media

3. increased Motivation

According to Dr. Andleeb Asghar from Ness Labs, self-love is having a “high regard for your own well-being and happiness,” which can increase motivation to do more tasks. Individuals who practice self-love tend to be more interested in finding ways to improve themselves, which leads to increased motivation. When we love ourselves, we can see our potential, so we tend to push ourselves more. 

4. better Health

Since individuals who practice self-love regularly tend to be more motivated, that can play a large role in physical health. When we practice self-love, we tend to be more interested in bettering ourselves, and that includes physical and mental workouts. Additionally, self-love can decrease stress, and that has been linked to more positive body functions, like better immune health, which is especially important for flu season.

All in all, it’s important to practice self-love not only for your physical health but also for your emotional and mental health, which can come in handy for the new month.