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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Name: Jules Cowen
Year: 2014
Major: Media Studies
Hometown: Los Angeles

Her Campus: Three words that best describe yourself? 
Jules Cowen: Charismatic, modest, courteous. 

HC: What’s your favorite restaurant around campus? 
JC: I can’t decide between Zachary’s or La Med.

HC: If you could study abroad anywhere, where would you go and why? 
JC: Estonia, because Berkeley’s hosting a cool business innovation summer program over there. 

HC: What is one quote or motto that you live by? 
JC: Never take life for granted. 

HC: What are your post grad plans? 
JC: Move back down to LA and hopefully land a job at a television station like NBC. 

HC: So what’s your ideal date? 
JC: It’s actually a nice walk on the beach on a warm summer’s evening.