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Johnny Depp on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

On Monday, October 17, Johnny Depp arrived at Wheeler Hall for a question and answer session following an advance screening of his new movie, The Rum Diary. Students lined up beforehand hours early to catch a glimpse of the actor, biding time in a line that stretched far beyond the boundaries of Wheeler.
Event administrators oversaw several tables of admission in front of the building, giving priority entrance to majors in the Film and English departments. Students were also required to RSVP to an invitational email in order to gain a coveted spot on the list for admittance.
Once inside, Berkeley’s film lovers were treated to a full showing of Depp’s latest film, where the actor portrays an American journalist struggling with the decadence and corruption of 1950s Puerto Rico. The Rum Diary, based on the novel by Hunter S. Thompson and featuring the additional acting talents of Aaron Eckhart and Amber Heard, will be released in theaters October 28.
The director, Bruce Robinson, was also on hand to answer questions with Depp after the movie’s close. In response to student queries, both Robinson and Depp detailed their attraction to the script, their time making the film, and their own personal friendship with the late Hunter S. Thompson.
As he made his exit following the end of the Q&A session, Johnny Depp granted a quick slew of handshakes to guests huddled together at the foot of the stage, affirming his reputation of charm and a renowned friendliness toward fans. He also granted autographs to those clever enough to wait for his passage through Wheeler Hall.
The event was only one of a few this year organized so far by the group Superb; UC Berkeley’s Student Union Program, Entertainment, and Recreation Board. Media-oriented activities for students have been coordinated by the student-run, non-profit branch since 1964. Concerts and movie showings this semester have included appearances by the bands Daedalus and Cults, as well as $3 screenings of films like Crazy Stupid Love and Super 8. 

For more information about Superb and upcoming events at UC Berkeley, visit their website at http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~superb/

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Aleyni Cerezo

UC Berkeley

Elizabeth is a senior majoring in American Studies with a concentration in consumer behavior at the University of California, Berkeley. You'll find her at the pool swimming with the Cal club water polo team or running through campus training for the next half marathon. In addition to an active lifestyle, Elizabeth loves to keep up to date with the latest tech trends and is always looking for a new recipe to try out! Elizabeth hopes to pursue a career in public relations and marketing after graduation.