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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly. As of two nights ago, I’ve now seen Barbie eight times: seven in theaters, once on digital. Like many women and girls around the country, I became enamored with the film as soon as it was announced. It had everything a movie needs: Greta Gerwig, my favorite actor of all time (Ryan Gosling), and a blockbuster budget to bring Barbieland to life. 

As the self-proclaimed Barbie expert, I now present my five favorite scenes in the film — scenes filled with laughter, emotion, lessons, amazing acting, and utter joy. Spoilers ahead!

5. The “Push” Guitar Circle

I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed as hard in a movie as when this scene came on in the theater. Even after seeing it in three different movie theaters, every time it cuts to Ryan Gosling staring Margot Robbie down while “playing the guitar at her,” I lose it. Because, let’s be honest, almost every girl has had guitar played at her (or some equivalent) at some point in her life. Way to make the real experiences seen! 

4. The famous Montage

Somehow Gerwig manages to perfectly piece together the experience of living as a human and a woman in 45 seconds. The raw footage used brings a beautiful touch and is exactly the realism we need to bring into modern movies today.  

3. I’m Just Ken 

I simply couldn’t put this lower and refrained from putting it higher. There are no words to describe this, simply that every Ken gave the performance of their life. Watching this scene, if you somehow haven’t, should be on your bucket list. 

2. America Ferrera’s Monologue 

Frustration, defeat, and double standards. The reality of women’s lives for hundreds of years is bottled up into a beautiful, fiery monologue delivered by the one and only America Ferrera. It’s no coincidence that so many have referenced this moment in their conversations around this movie. It is hands-down one of the most memorable speeches in movies of the 21st century. 

1. Barbie and Ruth’s Moment in the Kitchen 

Perhaps the most unorthodox pick of this list is the number one spot. To me, when Barbie meets Ruth Handler (before she knows who that is) at her kitchen table in the middle of an epic chase, the minutes they spend together capture Greta Gerwig’s real intention for the film. In an interview, Gerwig said that she wanted the movie to feel like a warm, comforting, Friday night dinner. With the calm breeze blowing from a bright window into a nostalgic, vintage kitchen, I feel she achieves that. The small, quiet, everyday interaction is what I believe really makes Barbie begin to long for human experience and serves as a good reminder for us to cherish the seemingly miniscule moments of our days and weeks and lives. 

I’ll leave you with my favorite quote from this particular conversation, a sentiment I’ve been trying to take to heart as I go through another period of transition into my second year of college: 

“The real world isn’t how I thought it would be.”

“It never is. And isn’t that marvelous?” 

Barbie (2023)
Penelope is a second-year Comparative Literature/Theatre and Performance studies Undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. She currently serves as a Digital Editor for Berkeley’s Her Campus chapter. Having experience with writing, design, performance, and communications, Penelope hopes to merge her creative pursuits and expand accessibility and representation in the artistic world. She enjoys writing articles about emotional experiences/milestones, pop culture, and Jewish life; she also has a newly-discovered passion for reading and editing others’ writing. She is looking towards publishing, nonprofit, or media/film work following graduation. Apart from her studies, she loves to play music (especially in Cal Band!), watch rom-coms and sitcoms, immerse herself in books and creative activities, and enjoy good meals with friends.