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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

I recently went to a Conan Gray concert and it quickly became my favorite concert of all time. There wasn’t a single thing I would fix about that night. I think I will always remember the feeling of warm bodies and the presence of Conan right in front of my eyes. But, one song that he played will be remembered in my heart forever. As he sat down on a chair and his band slowly crept away from the stage, the background started to turn into a beautiful field and light blue sky. He began to strum his guitar and everyone in the crowd cheered. This was the song that made everyone cry. 

“The Story” on Conan’s freshman album, “Kid Krow,” was introduced as a song he wrote about the experiences and stories he heard in his childhood. It’s a very relatable and raw song filled with vulnerable emotions, so it makes sense why tears were shed for this part of the show. But in one part of the song he says, 

“But I think that it could work for you and me

Just wait and see

It’s not the end of the story”

Chills started running down my spine and a wave of emotions came through me. My freshman year is almost over, but my story still prevails and I’m just starting a new chapter of my life. There’s so much in life that I have to live for beyond just Berkeley or school. To feel understood and heard through just a few lines of a simple song was unreal. 

My first year at Berkeley wasn’t the best, and I’m sure many can say the same. You’re transitioning into a new period of your life, so it’s difficult to accustom. There were so many emotions felt throughout this year and so many things I’ve loved and resented, but I’ve been able to learn so much about myself and life. It’s nice to know that there’s still a whole life ahead of me. 

So instead of dwelling on a few horrible things, I will look forward and strive for a new year of excellence and greatness. A big problem I had this year was struggling to move forward because of what was behind me. It’s easier said than done when people say to leave the past behind. But the past is part of who you are and how you’ve grown. A book has chapters that build on top of themselves; the chapters aren’t different each and every time. Just like how you aren’t just a combination of random chapters, your experiences help build you into who you are today.

Melody Lui

UC Berkeley '25

A freshman traversing the waves of the world and trying to make it her own. Leisurely walks around campus and experiencing concerts are the few things keeping her from departing across the world and starting a new life.