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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Finding motivation to go out can be difficult, especially during midterms and finals season when feelings of academic pressure rise. I often find it daunting to leave my room and attend lectures since I feel like time is indispensable. However, I’ve found that separating home and work is beneficial for me, and I recommend giving it a try for those who may feel that life is getting clustered.

Studying in libraries and attending lectures are more valuable when I feel better about the way I look. Thus, some quick touch-ups and planning can really make a difference in how my day goes. Before bed, I like to check the weather app to see the forecast for the following day. Using this information, I think of a couple of outfit options and either write down the combinations or visualize and make a mental note in my head. In the morning, I try on my outfit, but sometimes it doesn’t always look as great as it did in my mind. I usually go with some backup options or go with the flow and look at what’s available in my closet. However, the most important part is to never wear something that I would wear at home. It’s really simple and quick, but it’s been a valuable way to care for myself and feel confident doing mundane tasks. I like to organize my pieces into two piles: pjs and going-out. Of course, there are subcategories to these piles but the most important part is distinguishing your clothes.

I’ve struggled for a long time to find my style, so I like trying new aesthetics and going out of my comfort zone. I think it also adds a fun aspect to the day since I love trying new things and this makes every day an opportunity to try something new. It also makes class more worthwhile and gives me an excuse to dedicate some time to myself and explore more of my identity. I also like applying lipgloss to match my outfit and add a little detail. Sometimes I find myself getting out of the house for longer if I’m having a good gloss and fit day! It’s great motivation to go to a public space to work and force myself to be productive. It’s really simple and quick, but it’s been a valuable way to care for myself and feel confident doing the mundane!