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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Congratulations gorgeous Black queens! We’re finally returning to campus, and you already know what this means — it’s time to strut our way into lecture halls showing off our beautiful hair! Whether you’re sporting a natural, protective or relaxed hairstyle this semester, here are some tips, tricks and tools to help you along the way:

Curly Hair Diffuser

As curlyheads, we all know that our wash and go routine does not take up an hour but rather the whole entire day! Plus, when racing to class, sometimes we have to face the burden of our curls not drying fast enough, leaving our scalps shivering and sometimes even leaving a trail of water droplets as we walk in the classroom. To avoid this all too familiar scenario, make sure to bust out the good ole handy dandy hair diffuser! After perfecting your hair routine — whether it ranges from deep conditioning to a soothing hot oil scalp massage — take 5 to 10 minutes out of your day before class to attach the hair diffuser to your hairdryer and dry away. For more room in your dorm, invest in a collapsible silicone hair diffuser such as the Rizos Curls Pink Collapsible Diffuser! Pro tip: For extra volume, flip your hair over your face, bend your neck with your face looking towards your bathroom floor, and diffuse from the ends to the scalp! 

Deep Conditioner

You thought I was going to forget the ultimate holy grail of our hair community? No way! With colder weather kicking into full gear this fall, dry hair will come knocking at our door. Luckily we can be prepared with a reliable deep conditioner! Depending on your favorite hair oils (mine is Moroccan oil), buy a deep conditioner that will replenish your curl strands with moisture to retain your hair shine and lessen tangles. If you’re on a budget, you can make a homemade deep conditioner! A classic recipe is mixing honey, avocado, and an oil of your choice. Apply this mixture throughout your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes, an hour or overnight! Your curls will certainly thank you. 

Silk Bonnets and Pillows

To ensure great curly hair days, invest in silk bonnets and pillows! Not only will you wake up with your curl pattern preserved, but the benefits of silk on your hair follicles will prevent further split ends and defeat our ultimate archnemesis: the frizz. Personally, I prefer silk pillows rather than bonnets because it’s common to go to sleep with a bonnet and wake up to find it escaped your head and landed on the other side of the bed! If you have protective hairstyles such as braids, locks or twists, large silk bonnets are guaranteed to be your best friend this fall.

Dr. Bronner’s Soap

Now, if you’re wearing protective styles this semester on campus, residue building up on the scalp is inevitable. However, one classic trick that keeps your scalp both cleansed and nourished with oils is Dr. Bronner’s Soap! As a tennis coach and competitive player that religiously wore box braids, my go-to was Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Lavender Soap. All the dust from the outdoors and sweat quickly went down the drain. Trust me, there’s no better way to reward your scalp after a long day of lectures. 

Scarves & Bandanas

Wake up to a bad hair day? No problem! Just grab a scarf or bandana and wrap it in any way you like! To freshen up your hairstyle — whether it be natural or protective — try doing your edges with your favorite edge control. Let those baby curls shine and add a bit of swirl design! 

Annahmal hair scarves from boutique in Iowa City
Delaney Bopp

This semester, we are letting our quarantine hair out and about! Show off your beautiful crowns while keeping your hair happy and healthy.

Halle Antoine

UC Berkeley '22

Halle is a Senior at UC Berkeley majoring in Media Studies with a minor in Creative Writing. She is passionate about racial justice issues in which she hopes to help the community as a tennis coach and in her articles. When not on the tennis courts, you can find her listening to K Pop or watching Disney movies!