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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.


Name: Alex Agopyan-Miu
Age: 18
Hometown: Montreal Quebec
Her Campus: Where do you see yourself post-grad?
Alex: Post grad I see myself working towards becoming a doctor.

HC: What do you look for in a girl?
A: I look for ambition and a strong personality.

HC: What’s your favorite childhood memory?
A: I can’t really remember much from my childhood haha. Uhmm I guess my favorite would be any memory where I got to eat my grandma’s cooking. 

HC: What’s your idea of a perfect date?
A: My idea of the perfect date? It can be anything from having a fun night out on the town, or staying in and watching a movie on the couch. 

HC: What extracurriculars are you involved with and why?
A: I’m involved with Amnesty International at the moment. I joined the club because we try our best to fight for human rights wherever they are being violated. It’s really sad to think about the violations that are taking place around the world at almost every moment. When you try to put yourself in their shoes it’s very depressing. I’m working on getting back into swimming. I swam all the way up to Junior year in high school. I love the sport and the feeling after a good workout. I also used to work at a free clinic back in Newbury Park. My favorite part about working there was meeting all the patients. A lot of them were some real nice characters and it’s just a really unique experience of being able to connect to your patient and hear their stories. Some make you laugh and others make you want to hug the patient. Hopefully I’ll be able to land a spot at the Berkeley Free Clinic. 

HC: What’s your favorite part about college so far?
A: I like being able to go to some really cool lectures for free. My absolute favorite thing about college so far is being able to walk around Berkeley and find some really cool places where I can enjoy nature and the views. I’m also liking the music scene around here, it’s pretty big.

HC: What’s the last song you played on your iPod?
A: She Got Dressed by Fleet Foxes

HC: What’s your favorite pick up line?
A: I don’t really have pick up lines. But I’ll use one I made up in middle school: “Are you from the bakery, because you’re fresh and hot”… probably really lame, but hey I thought it was good at the time haha. 

HC: What’s your favorite place to eat around Berkeley?
A: I found a really cool Thai place on Shattuck that serves big portions. I don’t think it’s possible to still be hungry after one of their meals. 

HC: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
A: To be able to fly really quickly. It’s a happy medium between being able to teleport and getting that experience of floating in the air. It would also be really humbling to fly up into the air and get the bigger picture of things.

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Aleyni Cerezo

UC Berkeley

Elizabeth is a senior majoring in American Studies with a concentration in consumer behavior at the University of California, Berkeley. You'll find her at the pool swimming with the Cal club water polo team or running through campus training for the next half marathon. In addition to an active lifestyle, Elizabeth loves to keep up to date with the latest tech trends and is always looking for a new recipe to try out! Elizabeth hopes to pursue a career in public relations and marketing after graduation.