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UBC Resources You Could Be Using

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

UBC is a great school not only because of its amazing people, but also because it offers lots of career development and useful resources for students. Here’s a list of resources and opportunities available at UBC that you might be interested in, and their relevant links.

1. Build a Great Resume and Cover Letter

Whether you’re just starting university or on your last steps before graduation, having a relatively updated resume on your file is always good. You never know when an opportunity might arrive and it’s always better to be prepared! UBC has some great tips on how to format and what to write on your resume.

2. Book an Appointment with a Career Advisor

Although your current resume might already be good, there’s always room for improvement. Sometimes it is better to have someone completely neutral and who doesn’t know you read your resume and give you useful feedback. Don’t worry! UBC has great advisors who can help you improve your resume, or even build your first draft. You can book an appointment here.

3. International Student Guide and more

If you’re an international student and graduating soon, you might have questions regarding your immigration status after you graduate. Don’t worry! There are international advisors and registered immigration officers on campus ready to help you and answer all your questions. Book an appointment here.

4. Feeling Stressed About Exams?

Exams and essays can always seem like a huge burden to students, especially during the rainy season. UBC is aware of this and has many resources for students. Check out this website to see what’s available.

5. Improve Your Writing Skills

Yes! You read that correctly. There is a way to become a better writer and UBC has resources to help you do it! It is called the UBC Writing Centre and they offer all kinds of workshops, from creative, non-fiction to research paper and even business writing! Click here to learn more.

6. Counselling Services

UBC cares about your health. School is hard and sometimes we just need someone to listen to us. UBC’s Counselling Services offer a range of supportive opportunities and counselling for those who need it. Remember, you are not alone and there are people who want to help you. Reach out. Click here for more information.

7. Sports!

UBC Rec Centre has lots of fun activities and sports you can join. Whether it is a once-in-a-semester thing or a weekly activity, UBC Rec Sports has an option for you. Explore this link to find out all that UBC Rec has to offer.

8. Tandem Language Exchange Programme

If you’re passionate about languages or just want to improve your conversational skills in a foreign language, join the UBC Tandem Language Program where you will be matched with someone who is fluent or native in the language you want to learn. There’s also fun events you can attend and you’ll meet lots of people! Click here for more information.

9. Arts Internship Programme

A great way to jumpstart your career during university!

10. Mentoring & Co-Op Programs

There are so many programs to choose from! 

Mentoring: Arts Tri-Mentoring Program, Political Science Mentoring Program, Engineering Mentoring Program, Science Mentoring Program

Co-Op: Arts Co-Op Program, Engineering Co-Op Program, Science Co-Op Program

As you can see, UBC has tons to offer and these are just a few options for you to explore. Get involved, HCUBC Cuties!

Isabel is a total foodie studying in Vancouver to discover the true meaning of being a global citizen. Isabel loves sailing, music and spending time with friends. She enjoys cooking and would like to have a big farm one day to have several dogs and horses...and in case you were wondering, her truest fan is her dog, Eddie, 12 years old and blind, happy Pinscher miniature with a very strong personality and possibly her greatest friend of all time.